Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Neighbors Build Climate Resilience in Their Watersheds

    The Watershed Project works with residents to protect and restore landscapes that drain into waterways—creeks, rivers and ultimately—around the San Francisco Bay. Strong community outreach aims to connect people, the environment, and government agencies, municipalities, legal firms, and private and public investors.

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  • This Outer Banks Resort Centered the Environment From the Start, and It Paid Off

    Due to its sustainable design, the Corolla Light Resort has seen far less seawater intrusion and damage to properties compared to other Outer Banks resorts, plus much healthier dune structures. With 450 privately owned and managed homes, over half of which are dedicated to vacationon rentals, coordinated limited development has led to some of the tallest dunes on the island and minimal erosion.

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  • Resilience in the Sundarbans: How Shrimp Farming is Helping Communities Adapt to Climate Change

    Communities in the Sundarbans have adopted shrimp farming as a sustainable livelihood strategy; the approach has proven successful, with environmental benefits and many farmers earning a good income.

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  • Abandoned 'ghost gear' kills sea life. A Myanmar nonprofit is turning the tide.

    The nonprofit Myanmar Ocean Project is working to raise awareness of and remove ghost gear, abandoned fishing gear that kills marine life, from the country’s waters. Volunteer drivers remove the gear from the water and create public awareness campaigns.

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  • Una manera radical de abordar las inundaciones en Inglaterra: inundaciones estratégicas

    A los granjeros en la península de Steart se les pagaban unas 5000 libras por acre (unos 4000 metros cuadrados) para que cedieran sus tierras, permitiendo que aguas de las mareas inundaran la península. La marisma salada absorba el creciente volumen de agua que se hincha en las orillas del río Parrett y atrapa carbono.

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  • The Futures of Right Whales and Lobstermen Are Entangled. Could High-Tech Gear Help Save Them Both?

    Lobster is a crucial economic resource in New England, but entanglements with the fishing line from lobster traps are a major cause of death for endangered North Atlantic right whales. Scientists and lobstermen are testing ropeless, on-demand gear that minimizes the risk for whales and allows fishing to continue in areas that would otherwise be closed for months as the whales pass through.

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  • Biobanking Corals: One Woman's Mission to Save Coral Genetics in Turks and Caicos to Rebuild Reefs of the Future

    The Turks and Caicos Reef Fund coral lab houses a living biobank of coral species at risk of being lost to climate change impacts and disease. Researchers collect the corals from the ocean and plan to keep them on land until the oceans are a suitable habitat again.

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  • How coastal communities are adapting to sea level rise with 'living shorelines'

    Coastal communities in Maine are building living shorelines to adapt to sea level rise and address erosion concerns. This nature-based solution uses native plants and materials, or even discarded holiday trees, to bolster shorelines against strong storms and higher tides. And they get stronger as nature takes its course over time.

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  • All hands on deck — The social enterprise deploying young people to protect our seas

    A social enterprise that started in the Netherlands and is spreading to countries around the Celtic Sea is training young people to work in marine industries while restoring ocean biodiversity. The young trainees work on projects like marine mammal observation and planting seagrass.

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  • The Fish In The Sea

    Nonprofits and coastal communities are popularizing sustainable fishing practices and fishery management to allow ocean ecosystems to bounce back from overfishing and sustain the fishing industry long-term. For example, a community-led organization in Scotland campaigned to create the country’s first “No Take Zone” marine reserve, and a nonprofit in Hawaii is restoring fishponds to revive traditional Hawaiian aquaculture.

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