Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Demand for immigration legal services spikes at California colleges

    In the University of California and California State University systems, undocumented students have access to Dream resource centers where they can get support with financial aid, mental health services, community-building, and legal aid for immigration cases. These services have seen demand skyrocket since the 2024 presidential election and subsequent executive orders around immigration.

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  • This German village is embracing integration

    The Heberthausen Asylum Support Group helps incoming migrants and refugees find housing, jobs and learn the German language to integrate with society and work towards citizenship.

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  • On Their Own: Border Humanitarians Respond to a Crisis Created by Governments

    With a lack of government aid and interference, border communities are stepping up to care for both migrants and local residents through efforts like The Sidewalk School and Casa de la Esperanza — nonprofits that offer shelter, programming and resource centers for migrants and locals in need.

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  • A Small Mexican Town Becomes a Vital Way Station for Asylum Seekers

    Shelters for Hope converted an abandoned motel into a migrant resource center called the Centro de Esperanza and provides meals, legal assistance, clothing, and shoes to families seeking asylum in the United States. Shelters for Hope sees between 150 to 200 people a day and can currently house about 30 people.

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  • How One Chicago Organization Is Helping Migrants Being Bussed In From the Border

    Erie Neighborhood House welcomes migrants being bussed from Texas to Chicago with resources like food and clothing, medical care, legal support, and case management. The organization has helped more than 3,000 migrants since August 2022.

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  • Undocumented crime victims who assist police are often denied help in getting visa

    Congress created the U visa program in 2000 to encourage undocumented immigrants to report crimes to the police and cooperate with investigations and prosecutions. The visa legalizes an immigrant's status, if certified by a law enforcement agency and approved by the federal government. Some police departments, like Whitehall, Ohio's, routinely reject requests for certification because they want to avoid entanglements in immigration matters, or simply because they are anti-immigrant. No national rules require agencies to comply with the system, though some states do.

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  • Tag team approach to healthcare reaches older adults in Bangladeshi community during COVID-19 pandemic

    Sakhi for South Asian Women in New York has significantly increased their outreach during the coronavirus pandemic, connecting clients to services and resources. The group conducted 1,500 wellness calls and needs assessments in local South Asian communities and increased their caseload and cash assistance to clients. The group, who publishes their content in nine languages, also helps clients who do not have documentation pay for groceries and medications through their Sakhi Solidarity Fund. For clients who need help with family law and immigration issues, Sakhi can connect them to pro bono legal partners.

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  • ‘Backpacks full of boulders': How one district is addressing the trauma undocumented children bring to school

    Prince George's County in Maryland ranks fourth in the country for the number of unaccompanied students with sponsors. Often, these students have experienced a lot of trauma by the time they arrive at school. School officials are using their budget to spend it on resources to help educators and undocumented students succeed academically by hiring trauma specialists, bilingual liaisons, and teacher aides. “The most important reason is it is morally, really spiritually, inappropriate to mistreat the children who come from these families and not give them equal opportunity.”

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  • Cleveland's historic Legal Aid Society surges with the pandemic

    The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland is helping low-income people facing legal hardships and civil issues obtain fair representation and access to services and aid. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the organization has struggled to keep pace with the need, but has still been able to provide services to nearly half of those who have requested and connect many of the others with partner organizations.

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  • ‘Our goal is to empower students based on their talent – not the colour of their passports'

    Student Circus is an online platform which is demystifying the job application process for international students in the United Kindgom. The website was started by two international students who were having a hard time job searching, mainly because many employers didn't list whether they sponsored job visas or not. The service is offered for free to students from select universities.

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