Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A sanctuary law aimed to 'Trump-proof' California on immigration. What has it accomplished?

    A California law enacted in 2018 limits local law enforcement’s cooperation with federal immigration officials, preventing local police from arresting someone solely for having a deportation order or keeping them in custody longer than necessary to allow time for immigration officers to arrive. The state’s share of national ICE arrests has fallen, as has the number of people transferred from state prison to ICE custody, but challenges to California’s law and “sanctuary” policies like it are mounting.

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  • Darfur's women refugees lead reforestation of war-blighted Sudan–Chad borderland

    The Safe Space for Women and Girls plants neem trees around the Adré refugee camp with the goal of combatting the effects of deforestation while also providing purpose and hope for refugees living at the camp. Women involved in the organization are trained to craft products such as bags and jewelry from the neem tree oil and wood, with the proceeds of these goods reinvested into conservation efforts. So far, the organization has planted more than 300 trees.

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  • In 2 years since Russia's invasion, a U.S. program has resettled 187,000 Ukrainians with little controversy

    Uniting for Ukraine allows U.S. citizens to sponsor Ukranian refugees, welcoming them to the U.S. to escape the war and Russian invasion of their home country. Over two years, the program has helped resettle 187,000 Ukrainians.

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  • This German village is embracing integration

    The Heberthausen Asylum Support Group helps incoming migrants and refugees find housing, jobs and learn the German language to integrate with society and work towards citizenship.

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  • First days of Driver's Licenses for All bring relief to Minnesotans

    Local legislature passed Driver’s Licenses for All in February, which ended the 20-year requirement that driver's license applicants must show proof of legal residency. This new legislation, which recently went into effect October 1, opens the door to the estimated 81,000 undocumented individuals living in the state to apply for their driver’s licenses.

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  • Refugee Organizing Helps Spur Noncitizen Voting in Vermont Cities

    Since 2018, three Vermont cities have passed measures allowing noncitizen voters to participate in municipal elections. This gives them the opportunity to weigh in on matters that affect all local residents regardless of their immigration status, from school budgets to road projects.

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  • Miles4Migrants has flown more than 43,000 refugees to safety through donated airline miles. Now its future is at risk.

    The United States-based nonprofit Miles4Migrants has flown over 43,000 migrants around the world to safety by pooling donated frequent flyer miles, credit card points, and cash.

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  • North County nonprofits help stranded migrants

    Several community members and nonprofit organizations like Interfaith Community Services and the North County Rapid Response Network are joining forces to provide aid to the hundreds of migrants being dropped off at local transit centers. So far, the organizations and volunteers have helped 177 people access food, water, clothing, shelter, medical support and other resources like language support and reunification for families that have been separated.

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  • Georgia Becomes Marriage Hub for Russian Emigres Amid Uncertainty of War

    Anti-war Russians fleeing abroad are getting married in Tbilisi, Georgia, where the marriage process is quick and easy. The couples get married for a variety of reasons, from ensuring they aren’t split up when they get to another country to simply wanting to anchor themselves together during uncertain times. All that’s needed are translations of their passports, an appointment at the Tbilisi House of Justice, and two witnesses.

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  • Welcome to Cleveland: a new path for international entrepreneurs to build businesses here

    Global Entrepreneur in Residence programs, like Global Cleveland, partner with H-1B cap-exempt universities to form a pathway for international entrepreneurs looking to start and grow their business ventures in the U.S., helping to eliminate barriers international entrepreneurs face when starting a business in the states.

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