Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • St. Paul school district halts enrollment slide. The secret: listening to immigrant communities.

    To address enrollment decline in St. Paul Public Schools, the district invested in language and cultural programs that cater to local immigrant communities. After four years of implementing Hmong, Spanish, Mandarin, and East African language and cultural programs, student enrollment is now rising.

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  • California Program Trains Undocumented Residents to Become Therapists and Serve Those in the Shadows 

    Immigrants Rising’s Mental Health Career Program helps undocumented state residents get into college and start careers as therapists and doctors. The Program’s goal is to increase the number of available undocumented therapists by making education easily accessible, thus creating more professionals who can better relate to other members of their community and provide more effective care.

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  • Afghan human rights advocate helps Portuguese city embrace fellow refugees

    Intercultural mediators are serving a small town’s growing Afghan community by helping attract new residents — particularly young refugees and migrants — to the region. These mediators help newcomers navigate hurdles like accessing documentation, jobs, schooling and health care in an effort to ease the transition period new residents often face.

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  • First days of Driver's Licenses for All bring relief to Minnesotans

    Local legislature passed Driver’s Licenses for All in February, which ended the 20-year requirement that driver's license applicants must show proof of legal residency. This new legislation, which recently went into effect October 1, opens the door to the estimated 81,000 undocumented individuals living in the state to apply for their driver’s licenses.

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  • Refugee Organizing Helps Spur Noncitizen Voting in Vermont Cities

    Since 2018, three Vermont cities have passed measures allowing noncitizen voters to participate in municipal elections. This gives them the opportunity to weigh in on matters that affect all local residents regardless of their immigration status, from school budgets to road projects.

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  • North County nonprofits help stranded migrants

    Several community members and nonprofit organizations like Interfaith Community Services and the North County Rapid Response Network are joining forces to provide aid to the hundreds of migrants being dropped off at local transit centers. So far, the organizations and volunteers have helped 177 people access food, water, clothing, shelter, medical support and other resources like language support and reunification for families that have been separated.

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  • Adriana Carillo's life's work is to find migrants lost in the desert

    SOS Búsqueda y Rescate (or SOS Search and Rescue) is a woman-led border and migrant search-and-rescue group that braves the elements — like extreme desert temperatures — to locate migrants who get lost or left behind along their journey from Mexico to the U.S. Since 2020, the volunteer group has found 60 survivors and the remains of 65 others, allowing them to offer closure for families searching for their loved ones.

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  • On Their Own: Border Humanitarians Respond to a Crisis Created by Governments

    With a lack of government aid and interference, border communities are stepping up to care for both migrants and local residents through efforts like The Sidewalk School and Casa de la Esperanza — nonprofits that offer shelter, programming and resource centers for migrants and locals in need.

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  • Bishop-supported leadership training for immigrants transforms parish communities

    Recognizing the Stranger is a faith-based program that provides support and mentorship to immigrant leaders with the goal of building bridges between immigrant and nonimmigrant communities. The initiative has helped immigrants in the church organize "know your rights" events, advocate for expanded tax credits for undocumented workers, and roll out parish ID cards amid a rise in deportations.

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  • After 50 years, this Vancouver immigrant services agency is busier than ever

    S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is an immigrant services agency that connects immigrants with the resources they need to adjust to life in Canada. The group helps an average of 73,000 people each year from more than 150 countries and provides assistance in finding affordable housing, English language training, career and social services and accessing care for seniors.

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