Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Affordable and Accessible Health Care Remains an Issue in Nigeria, but Atayase Initiative Devises a Means, Helping the Underserved Age Groups

    The Atayese initiative makes healthcare services more affordable and accessible for underserved age groups including young children, pregnant women and elderly people. The initiative launched in 2013 and runs clinics and hospital services in several states and communities where they’ve provided treatment to hundreds — in some areas, thousands — of patients.

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  • Bashir Fistula Foundation Provides Care and Support to Ailing Women

    The Bashir Fistula Foundation provides healthcare and connections to necessary medical resources to women suffering from obstetric fistula. Most all surgeries to cure the condition are fully paid for through partnerships between the Foundation and other organizations and medical centers. So far the Foundation has funded more than 100 surgeries.

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  • Yobe State: Striving for universal health coverage, accountability still a challenge

    The Citizens-Led Tracking Campaign bridges the gap between the implementation of the Basic Healthcare Provision Funds and the effective delivery of healthcare by sending citizens — called community champions — out on the grassroots level to track healthcare funding and ensure everyone who is eligible takes advantage of the care. Through the community champions’ efforts, 32,000 low-income and vulnerable individuals have been enrolled in the program.

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  • Connecting With Individuals Who Have Disabilities

    Haske Children Foundation provides medical supplies, check-ups and surgeries to children with disabilities on a regular basis, having served 200 children so far. The Foundation also leads discussions about disabilities, working to address the stigma and change the negative narrative many locals have about those with disabilities.

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  • “Buy Now Pay Later” Solution for Patients with Breast Cancer

    The HER-Radio program improves the availability of radiotherapy and treatment for HER2+ breast cancer by offering a deferred payment plan for the 18-cycle treatment with the drug Herceptin. The interest-free, phased payment plan makes it possible for more people to afford treatment. Per the organization’s 2021 report, patients enrolled in the program save 15% to 25% on treatment costs.

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  • Reclaiming Safe Abortion Access in Haiti

    Nègès Mawon works to empower women to fight back against violence and oppression through education and advocacy and focuses on access to safe abortion care. Through the organization’s sponsorship program, women who are also survivors of gender-based violence are partnering together to rise above the patriarchal system and advocate for themselves. Since last May, Nègès Mawon has supported more than 300 survivors of gender-based violence through the sponsorship program.

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  • Trans shelter residents are upcycling discarded flowers to fund their healthcare

    Residents of Garima Greh, an organization that provides transgender people with housing and necessities in New Delhi, started a small business making potpourri from the flowers discarded by local temples. They use the funding to pay for necessary medical expenses and gender-affirming care.

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  • Excluded for having sickle cell disease, she started a group keeping warriors safe

    The Damilola Sickle Cell Foundation provides emotional support and resources to people with sickle cell anemia. The group connects with those in need via WhatsApp and provides monetary support, connections to medical attention and treatment, and support from those who understand what it’s like to have the disease. The group has about 200 people that it checks on and provides free medications to each month.

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  • He wouldn't cure only his son, so he got franchise for kids with brain disorder

    The Dyslexia Foundation Nigeria aims to create awareness about dyslexia and ADHD through radio and TV talk shows, spreading information to encourage parents to seek out testing and training for their children with dyslexia. The Foundation also offers more affordable testing and brain training for children with dyslexia that helps to improve their learning ability over time.

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  • Drug Aid is attempting to improve equitable access to medicine with novel approach

    Drug Aid Africa sources unused, unaltered drugs from people who don’t need them anymore and distributes them to people who do need them but can’t afford or access them. Drug Aid Africa provides free routine medications for conditions like sickle-cell anemia, as well as antimalarials, antibiotics and frequent visits to communities where they provide healthcare support and supplies. So far, the organization's efforts have helped more than 10,000 people.

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