Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mosquito nets distribution helping to combat Nigeria's malaria crisis

    Society for Family Health began providing pre-packaged malaria treatment for vulnerable groups in the 1980s but eventually evolved to focus mainly on the distribution of insecticide-treated nets to prevent infection and reduce transmission in the first place. The campaign is funded by international aid organizations and distribution is based on actual population data for the communities where it works to ensure 100% coverage. The campaign has effectively reduced malaria transmission and employs local community members to help with distribution, which improves the local economy.

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  • Burning Sugar Cane Pollutes Communities of Color in Florida. Brazil Shows There's Another Way.

    In Brazil, the world's largest producer of sugar cane, industry leaders have found a way to harvest the crop without sugar cane burning. Sugar cane burning is harmful to the environment and nearby residents. After complaints and regulations, producers invested in technology that allows them to cut the cane without burning it. This is a contrast to South Florida, despite producing less sugar cane than Brazil, producers in the state continue the practice.

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  • When Dangerous Strains of Salmonella Hit, the Turkey Industry Responded Forcefully. The Chicken Industry? Not So Much.

    The turkey and chicken industries have struggled with salmonella outbreaks that are more virulent and less responsive to antibiotics. The turkey industry responded immediately, forming a task force to study and fight the strain, vaccinating breeding flocks, setting up better barn sanitation, and making changes in processing plants to reduce cross-contamination. The chicken industry’s response has been slow and not transparent, and as a result it continues to spread and make people sick. On the other hand, 73% fewer turkeys are found to have the bacteria and reports of people getting sick have fallen by 65%.

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  • How an Imo Community Solved a Major Water Crisis

    The community of Isieke has taken water purification into its own hands by installing a borehole to access clean water. The initiative has led to cleaner water and a reduction of ailments associated with the consumption of dirty water.

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  • This Scientist Created a Rapid Test Just Weeks Into the Pandemic. Here's Why You Still Can't Get It.

    E25Bio created a rapid COVID-19 test soon after the pandemic began and had an existing factory that could be repurposed to quickly manufacture tests. The prototypes, priced under $10 each, attracted major donors and would have made at-home antigen tests that identified around 80% of contagious cases available from the pandemic’s early days. Instead, an unclear FDA review process that prioritized higher detection rates over inexpensive ways people could test often, as well as resistance from medical device regulators, prevented the company from producing the tests for the public early in the pandemic.

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  • He Almost Died From Hypertension; Now He Helps Others Live Free Of The Disease

    Rays of Hope Support Initiative or ROHSI conducts outreach in rural parts of Nigeria to educate people about hypertension and diabetes. A group of volunteers, including medical professionals, provides free screenings, medical advice, and free medications to people with hypertension and diabetes at their biannual community outreaches.

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  • Big Steps Forward: Cameroon's Multi-Sector Approach to Reducing Pregnancy-Related Deaths

    Several initiatives, from family planning and birth assistance education to improving access to hospital care, are reducing maternal and infant deaths. The Motor Ambulance initiative helps women get to hospitals in emergencies by providing 165 tricycles designed to navigate difficult terrain. The ambulances are run and maintained by local communities. Another program improving access to care is a health voucher system that helps women to pay for hospital deliveries. Women buy an affordable delivery kit that provides hospital staff with everything they need, including if there are complications.

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  • Mapping Lead Contamination in the Granite State

    Through education, public policy and grant programs, New Hampshire is working on decreasing the number of children with elevated blood lead levels. In 2016, the state wanted to improve lead-testing rates and over the year, they conducted 25 training sessions reaching more than 300 medical professionals, which led to 2,100 more children being tested than the previous year. Interest in lead-abatement grant programs by landlords and homeowners has also increased.

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  • The Doctor Is Out, and These Babies Are Healthier For It

    The Karnataka Internet Assisted Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity program has trained and accredited non-physician imagers to screen premature newborns for retina disease, which has a small window of diagnosis for treatment to be effective. This “task-shifting” model allows trained imagers to replace specialists for the screening by going into the field and using a low-cost and indigenously developed camera to upload images to a telemedicine platform, where a retina specialist makes a diagnosis. They have screened 70,000 infants and several other countries have adopted KIDROP’s “task-shifting” model.

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  • Great gains from small grain banks

    Grain banks allow community members in need to access food grain by buying into a bank-like system. The grain bank system helps communities work together to feed themselves and gain more control of their well-being and livelihoods.

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