Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Battling America's other PTSD crisis

    A program in Philadelphia is pioneering new ways to treat the urban wounded. By seeing it as PTSD, and not pointing fingers, the city is using mental health tools to decrease violence and heal communities.

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  • Colombia's Data-Driven Fight Against Crime

    Colombia has attempted to decrease murder and homicide rates by setting up curfews for teenagers, forcing bars to close earlier in the evening, and creating gun laws to prevent the carrying of weapons. As a result of this epidemiological, data-driven approach, along with other governmental factors, the homicide rate has decreased significantly in most of the cities in which it was implemented.

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  • How One California City Began Bringing Its Murder Rate Down—Without Cops

    Richmond, California's Office of Neighborhood Safety responded to alarmingly high gun violence levels with an outreach approach to young men at high risk of getting shot or of shooting others. Instead of a heavy-handed enforcement strategy, the office intervenes in likely retaliatory violence and enrolls men as fellows in a year-long program offering counseling, education, job training, and a $500 monthly stipend for fellows on the right track. In the programs first three years, gun homicides dropped and 65 of 68 fellows survived.

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  • Enough is Enough

    South Carolina has made little progress in addressing domestic violence in the year since it was ranked No. 1 in the nation for the rate of women killed by men. A series of proposed fixes includes screening for lethality and creating a fatality review team.

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  • Interrupting violence in Brooklyn

    In Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood, an organization called Save Our Streets Crown Heights (S.O.S.) is taking steps to disrupt violence. The organization is modeled after Chicago's violence interrupters, which employ people from the neighborhood to connect with those most at-risk and disrupt conflicts and retalitory violence.

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  • The Fayetteville Observer's search for crime solutions takes us to Memphis

    In Memphis, “school officials, politicians, business leaders, preachers, nonprofit organizations and everyday residents” came together to fight crime in a strategy known as Collective Impact. Could this approach help other cities like Fayetteville fight crime?

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  • Welcome to the City of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    When kids grow up in violence-ridden areas, the psychological stress they endure can have impacts mimicking PTSD symptoms and often leads to less resiliency when it comes to joining gangs. Although there is no quick fix for this phenomenon, a program for at-risk kids in Philadelphia is turning to talk therapy in hopes of changing the direction of at least a few kids in the area.

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  • How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths

    While the United States struggled with thousands of gun-related homicides in 2008, Japan had a meager eleven. Despite Japan being a developed country, it has controlled and restricted gun-use from the police on the streets to ordinary residents by making policies based on their 1958 law. U.S. gun laws are rooted in the Constitution’s freedom to bear arms, thereby making policy changes more difficult to restrict gun use.

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  • Karyn McCluskey: the woman who took on Glasgow's gangs

    In Glasgow, gang violence was rampant and affected the youth of the community. Then a new initiative was started: VRU's Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV). This initiative focused on providing support to those who need help and to reduce police tolerance towards violence. This program helped to build empathy and reduced violence by 24%.

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  • Blocking the Transmission of Violence

    In the earliest days of what has become the Cure Violence model of violence prevention using street-outreach mediators, the Chicago CeaseFire group began hiring former gang members and people recently released from prison because of their credibility on the street. They "interrupt" violence, mediating conflicts to prevent escalation to gunfire, based on a public-health rationale that sees the spread of violence in epidemiological terms. The organization overcame skepticism when an early study showed its methods reduced violence by 16-27% more than in neighborhoods it hadn't worked in.

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