Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Saving U.S. Climate and Environmental Data Before It Goes Away

    The Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, an international group of watchdog scientists, and a group of volunteers track and back up government data sets that have been altered or removed, including key tools that researchers and policymakers use to track which communities are most at risk from climate change and toxic hazards.

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  • Why Utah Is Bucking One of the West's Oldest Water Rules

    Utah is ditching the “use it or lose it” water rights doctrine to encourage farmers to conserve water amid severe water shortages. Instead, it’s encouraging farmers to use less water while allowing them to keep their rights to it. The government is awarding funding for efficiency upgrades and creating a system for farmess to lease out the saved water.

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  • San Diego's Organic Waste Recycling program shows progress after first full year

    To reduce methane emissions, California law SB 1383 requires every resident to recycle their organic waste instead of sending it to the landfill. San Diego residents put their organic waste into green bins to be picked up and composed.

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  • The Futures of Right Whales and Lobstermen Are Entangled. Could High-Tech Gear Help Save Them Both?

    Lobster is a crucial economic resource in New England, but entanglements with the fishing line from lobster traps are a major cause of death for endangered North Atlantic right whales. Scientists and lobstermen are testing ropeless, on-demand gear that minimizes the risk for whales and allows fishing to continue in areas that would otherwise be closed for months as the whales pass through.

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  • How One Indian State Went 100% Organic

    In 2016, the agricultural industry in Sikkim, India, was declared 100% organic. The process was intentionally slow, taking over a decade as programs like chemical fertilizer bans, organic certification training, and model villages demonstrating organic practices were implemented to ease the transition.

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  • How Community Members Shuttered a Backyard Slaughterhouse in a Small, Black Community

    Animal rights group Apex Advocacy joined local activists to reenergize their fight to close a slaughterhouse that was violating zoning laws in a small, predominantly Black community. The group utilized its network to flood officials’ emails.

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  • London saw a surprising benefit to fining high-polluting cars: More active kids

    After a clean air zone was created in London, where vehicles have to pay a daily fee to enter unless they meet strict pollution standards, more young students in the area began walking and biking to school.

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  • Why electric restaurants could be the key ingredient for cities trying to ditch fossil fuels

    Whether encouraged by government incentives and regulations, environmental impacts, or business benefits, restaurants are switching to electric cooking appliances like induction cooktops instead of gas-powered options.

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  • Massachusetts cities are quickly embracing new emission-slashing building code option

    The Massachusetts state government introduced a new building code, called the specialized stretch code, to set new construction up for decreased fossil fuel use. It’s an opt-in code, so municipalities vote on whether to adopt it, and many have.

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  • An air conditioning law, the first in its region, changed tenants' rights in this Maryland county

    To protect tenants from extreme heat, lawmakers in Montgomery County, Maryland, passed a policy requiring landlords to provide air conditioning capable of cooling units to at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit from June through September.

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