Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Miles4Migrants has flown more than 43,000 refugees to safety through donated airline miles. Now its future is at risk.

    The United States-based nonprofit Miles4Migrants has flown over 43,000 migrants around the world to safety by pooling donated frequent flyer miles, credit card points, and cash.

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  • Georgia Becomes Marriage Hub for Russian Emigres Amid Uncertainty of War

    Anti-war Russians fleeing abroad are getting married in Tbilisi, Georgia, where the marriage process is quick and easy. The couples get married for a variety of reasons, from ensuring they aren’t split up when they get to another country to simply wanting to anchor themselves together during uncertain times. All that’s needed are translations of their passports, an appointment at the Tbilisi House of Justice, and two witnesses.

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  • Bishops visit migrant shelter in Mexico as US government seeks to limit record-high crossings

    In Nogales, Mexico, La Casa de Misericordia y de Todas Las Naciones provides food, shelter, and education to migrants while they work through the process of applying for asylum in the United States.

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  • A Small Mexican Town Becomes a Vital Way Station for Asylum Seekers

    Shelters for Hope converted an abandoned motel into a migrant resource center called the Centro de Esperanza and provides meals, legal assistance, clothing, and shoes to families seeking asylum in the United States. Shelters for Hope sees between 150 to 200 people a day and can currently house about 30 people.

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  • Community programs are a true alternative for asylum-seekers

    Community-based services provided by nonprofits — which include legal representation, housing, referrals for medical services, English language classes, and assistance with obtaining identity documents — have emerged as alternatives to ICE-based detention centers to help address the needs of immigrants and asylum seekers. Organizations like the Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants provide food, housing, and case management support for asylum seekers, both individuals and entire families.

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  • Detained Davincis: Artists in Lithuania draw attention to the plight of asylum-seekers

    Asylum-seekers detained in Lithuanian refugee camps are exhibiting and selling their artwork with the support of Sienos Group, a volunteer-based initiative that coordinates showings and raises funds for art materials and supplies. Detainees have earned up to 100 euros for their pieces and say the ability to create and share their art while in the camps gives them a sense of purpose, empowers them to believe in their potential, and helps combat stigma against migrants in the country.

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  • The Belarusian railway workers who helped thwart Russia's attack on Kyiv

    A decentralized group of Belarusian railway workers, hackers, and dissenting security forces have caused logistical chaos among Russian troops by disabling and disrupting railway links that connect Russia to Ukraine through Belarus. The underground group has targeted signal control cabinets needed to run trains, impeding the movement of Russian troops, disrupting their supply lines, and giving Ukrainian officials more time to formulate effective responses. The tactics are based on disruptions by Belarusians opposed to the Nazi occupation who blew up train lines and stations to disrupt German supplies.

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  • Sponsor Circle opens hearts and homes to Afghan refugees

    The Sponsor Circle program mobilizes local community members to raise money and provide technical and cultural support to Afghan refugees resettling in the United States. One such refugee is Mohammad Agha Mohammadi, who has been able to enroll in benefits, get his driving learner's permit, and sign up for college courses with the help of his circle since arriving in Connecticut.

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  • Through Online Platforms, Thousands Open Their Homes to Ukraine's Refugees

    In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, online home-sharing platforms such as Host a Sister provided an avenue for thousands of people around the world to offer temporary housing to refugees leaving the country. Host a Sister in particular is geared at women looking for a safe place to stay, making it a valuable resource for families who have had to flee while men have stayed behind to fight.

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  • Belarusian Diaspora Helps Victims of Repression

    INeedHelpBy connects Belarusians living abroad with families currently experiencing government persecution and loss of income in the country. Donors have given over $1 million in emergency food aid directly to over 2,000 families in need. Donors pledge to buy at least two weeks of groceries and communicate directly with families to understand their needs. The organization verifies everyone’s identity, that they aren’t government infiltrators and that political repression led to loss of income for recipients. Connecting donors and recipients directly has also led to community building and emotional support.

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