Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Heat waves: How France has cut death toll 90% since 2003

    Chagrined by its lack of planning that contributed to many deaths in a 2003 heat wave, France developed a coordinated national response that in 2019 cut the death toll by 90% despite even higher temperatures. By paying particular attention to vulnerable elderly people living alone, and requiring officials at all levels of government to communicate warnings and advice clearly, the government promoted simple safety measures and awareness of risks in effective ways, including discouraging outdoor recreation and closely monitoring and cooling older residents.

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  • Facing unbearable heat, Qatar has begun to air-condition the outdoors

    In Qatar, where temperatures have reached unbearably high degrees, an engineering professor at Qatar University has designed a way to provide air conditioning to the outdoors. Although the method is arguably not a solution for climate change and could actually have negative impacts, it is successfully allowing people in the country to be able to leave the their homes, which in turn benefits the economy of the country.

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  • Climate Resilience on Detroit's East Side

    Working toward environmental justice takes organizing on the community level. In Detroit, the Women of Empowerment promote resilience against the adverse effects of climate change on the city’s east side by spearheading projects that range from legal cases to the installation of solar panels. The group also partners with local nonprofits like the Eastside Community Network and Heatwaves Housing and Health (HHH), to collect data that can inform climate-resilient city planning.

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  • Can We Turn Down the Temperature on Urban Heat Islands?

    Researchers are using citizen science volunteers to more accurately identify hot spots in cities, where some temperatures are significantly higher than their surrounding areas. The data has also shown that there is a correlation between lower-income neighborhoods and higher temperatures. Climate change is expected to increase the number of extreme weather events, including heat waves, so mapping these urban heat islands can help cities develop new urban planning strategies.

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  • Spray Parks Have Been Helping To Keep Cape Town Cool

    As temperatures across the world increase, many low-income areas are being hit the hardest without anywhere to turn. In South Africa, spray parks are becoming more popular as a solution, providing an inclusive place for children to not only play, but also keep cool in the rising heat.

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  • Heat is deadly—even in Montana. But the city of Missoula is doing something about it.

    Adapting to climate change takes planning and partnerships. In Missoula, Montana, partnerships with nonprofits like Thriving Earth Exchange (TEX) and Climate Smart Missoula reinforce the city’s climate planning. TEX connects cities and urban planners with professors, experts, and other nonprofits that can assist in tackling climate change issues. By layering socioeconomic data over a heat map of the city, TEX scientists could reveal populations at highest risk of extreme temperature impacts. The team then shared data with health officials, policy makers, and the community.

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  • Planting Trees to Help Dallas Breathe

    In 2016, the Texas Trees Foundation and federal Trust for Public Land partnered to use GIS technology in greening Dallas, Texas, and plant some 1,000 trees to start. Not only does the initiative reduce respiratory problems like asthma--over the next 40 years, the new tree cover is expected to create about $2.9 million in environmental benefits, sucking around 250 tons of CO2 from the air and capturing around 4 million gallons of stormwater.

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  • A simple solution to help cities fight overheating: more trees

    Trees are an effective bulwark against summer heat, providing shade and cooling the air as water evaporates from leaves. A collaborative project mapped heat and other considerations in Dallas and picked the neighborhood of Oak Cliff to plant more than 1,000 trees. The ultimate goal is to revegetate the entire city.

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  • It turns out vodka and icy roads can be a good mix

    Although alcohol and driving don't typically go hand-in-hand, researchers found one way to successfully and safely combine the two. By taking the by-products of the distilling process and combining them with the typical road salt that is used to help melt snow during winter conditions, these researchers created a super mixture which enhances the capabilities of melting the ice.

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  • Arvada shelter keeps local homeless warm

    High rates of homelessness are an issue for many cities in America, and the associated perils increase dramatically in severe weather situations. In Colorado's Jefferson County, The Severe Weather Shelter Network, a Christian nonprofit, is working with local churches to offer severe weather shelters for vulnerable populations.

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