Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Yemeni Immigrant Activists in NYC Are Changing a Whole Community's Mindset

    To assert their voice, community activists must move from behind the scenes to the front lines. Mobilizing the ethnic and immigrant community against Trump’s executive order of 2017 has led to the creation of the Yemeni American Merchant’s Association (YAMA). YAMA behaves like an umbrella organization, working to connect visa winners with humanitarian organizations, hosting legal training programs, becoming a plaintiff on behalf of Yemenis, and partnering with community leaders in cities across the United States.

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  • Resistance in the Heartland: Fighting ICE in Small-Town Iowa and Nebraska

    Inter-ethnic organizations and grassroots communities can quickly channel resources and support to families and communities devastated by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids. In Mount Pleasant, Iowa, a network of immigrant groups have stepped in to provide legal and financial assistance, as well as family support, to the local Latinx community. The groups include IowaWINS, an organization that originally operated in support of Syrian immigrants.

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  • Is There A Cure For Hate?

    Organizations working to turn people away from violent hate groups have found some success with holistic approaches that include wrap-around services and acknowledging how people get caught up in racist ideology. But finding what works is challenging because so few resources and attention are directed to domestic hate groups. Scaling successful efforts is also difficult because they often involve building personal relationships to help people rediscover their humanity and compassion.

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  • Undocumented Black Migrants Build an Informal Organizing Network

    Grassroots organizers use mobile technology to spread information and resources to underserved immigrant communities. Groups like the Haitian Bridge Alliance and UndocuBlack mobilize legal and social resources for immigrants who belong to groups often characterized as “invisible” in the public discourse, because they represent such a small percentage of the migrant population. Mobile tech enables these nonprofits to publicize individual cases and quickly connect immigrants to appropriate social networks.

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  • America's Other Family-Separation Crisis

    As incarceration rates of women in America continue to rise, Still She Rises, a project of the Bronx Defenders, uses a holistic approach to legal defense for incarcerated mothers in Tulsa, OK. Attorneys for the organization investigate injustices in cases and represent local, often impoverished, mothers, who face losing custody of their children in the face of the law.

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  • This Nonprofit Is Calling Out Racism In Unexpected Places Audio icon

    Governing Hope, an anti-racism organization, is combating racism in Portland by asking white people to pay reparations. The organization created an event called “Reparations Power Hour,” which invites people of color for a discussion and food. They also receive $10 for showing up. The money is donated primarily by white people. “ We call on folks to imagine what reparations in their own communities could look like.”

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  • Thousands of American Indian voters in N.D. getting free IDs

    In the face of stricter voter ID rules, organizers are working to ensure that those deemed ineligible to vote in North Dakota because of their lack of street address - a group that is disproportionately Native American - are given a chance to participate in America's democracy. So far, projects spearheaded by groups like the Lakota People's Law Project and funded by donations have provided around 2,000 IDs.

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  • Solutions: Federal Policy

    In the United States, federal policies are expanding as a response to growing awareness of the number of missing and murdered Indigenous women. The Violence Against Women Act has expanded to include a statute called the Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction, which gives Indigenous communities the authority to provide criminal jurisdiction to non-Native Americans who inflict abuse and violence on Native Americans. Added in 2013, advocates and legislators seek to reauthorize the statute.

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  • Disappeared

    In Montana, officials are taking legislative steps to address the disproportionate number of missing and murdered Indigenous women. Among the bills being introduced is “Hanna’s Act,” which would give the Department of Justice the power to assist with missing persons cases. Also included is expanded access, both to national crime databases and to social services, provided by the Office of Indian Services to more than 50 tribal communities.

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  • Law & Disorder: Progressive Prosecutors Hope to Dismantle Mass Incarceration

    Across the United States, individuals and organizations are seeking to shift the criminal justice system through District Attorney elections. From online communities like, which seeks to support grassroots election efforts, to individuals like Minnesota’s Mark Haase, who is running on a platform of diversity and inclusion, to the Texas Organizing Project that wants to empower Black and Latinx communities, each of these missions seeks to create more equity and transparency in the criminal justice system.

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