Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As Alabama grapples with solitary confinement, other states offer blueprints for change

    The use of solitary confinement, or administrative segregation, in prisons is facing pushback across the country. In Alabama, a federal judge tasked the Department of Corrections to investigate how other states are reforming their use of solitary confinement – especially for those with mental health concerns. Recognizing that isolation often leads to increased bad behavior, states such as North Dakota and Colorado have placed stronger limitations on the use and deployment of administrative segregation.

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  • What's Wrong With This Diorama? You Can Read All About It

    Reassessing representations creates an opportunity for educational experiences. Instead of simply removing a problematic diorama depicting members of the Lenape tribe and Dutch colonists, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, NY, converted the piece into a learning experience for visitors. Following pressure from groups like Decolonize this Place, the revised diorama now features panels that illuminate and discuss misrepresentations in the piece.

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  • Inside the Crowdfunded Charity Helping Refugees by Topping Up Their Phones

    For many refugees living in camps and on the move, mobile phones can be a life line to families and the outside world. Phones can help organize political activities, arrange medical supplies, and so much more. But although SIM cards are fairly cheap now, data can be expensive. To address this, a Facebook group called Phone Credit for Refugees and Displaced People, or PC4R, raises funds for refugees to top up their mobile phones to support free and dignified communication.

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  • Reclaiming your voice and your career

    The Eris Conflict Resolution life-coaching company is using conflict mediation and resolution to help those experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace. The company works with both stakeholders and the businesses involved in one-on-one mediation, course modules, and the option of conflict mediation certification to give them the tools to end the harassment safely. Since opening, 19 of the 27 clients have seen the results they were hoping for.

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  • In Uganda, a unique urban experiment is under way

    Uganda has some of the most progressive refugee policies in the world, and as a result it is now home to the second largest refugee camp in the world. Bidibidi houses a quarter million people, many of whom come from the South Sudan, and as such is on its way to becoming a permanent city. While there is still progress to be made, especially economic, many residents of Bidibidi are optimistic settling into the daily routines and connections that make up a functioning city.

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  • Why Students of Color Are Stepping Up to Lead Climate Strikes

    An estimated fifty percent of student leaders in climate strikes and protests around the country are students of color, making these movements all the more relatable, accessible, and inclusive. Because communities of color, especially Black and Carribean communities, will likely be most affected by climate change, this new generation is taking action and linking other social issues like LGBTQ rights and gun control.

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  • Closing the voter engagement gap in Metro Detroit

    To close the voting participation and engagement gap between historically disenfranchised groups and more affluent, white groups, organizations in Metropolitan Detroit are employing a number of strategies. One group, Girls Making Change, is creating a political leadership pipeline by mentoring high school girls of color over the summer. CitizenDetroit organizes voter education groups, candidate debates, and even bar trivia nights with a political theme.

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  • Why History Matters in Equitable Development Planning

    A new park plan in Washington, D.C. addresses systemic racism and inequity in current city infrastructure, digging deeper than traditional urban planning landscapes. The new plan takes into account perspectives from minorities and low-income households to ensure the community space is built by the people, for the people - establishing economic justice along the way. This D.C. park plan is helping people purchase homes, finance businesses and get jobs.

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  • Ypsi-based program aims to restore dignity for women giving birth while incarcerated

    The Michigan Prison Doula Initiative seeks to provide pregnant women experiencing incarceration the support and care they need to maintain physical and mental health before, during, and after giving birth. The initiative has partnered with the Michigan Department of Corrections to start work in one prison – with the hopes of expanding to others – by providing prenatal counseling, support during birth, and postpartum visits.

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  • How to Design a Better City for Deaf People

    Gallaudet University has interior design and architecture built with the needs and preferences of people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in mind. By analyzing the effects of lighting, color, space, and other design principles emphatically, restaurants and other public spaces can be similarly accommodating for individuals with different hearing abilities.

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