Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • S.F. immigrants seek to expand civic footprint

    Elevating the voices of noncitizen community members takes building trust through outreach and education. After the passage of Proposition N, allowing local non-citizens in San Francisco to participate in school board elections, a number of immigrant advocacy groups have mobilized to educate residents about their right to civic participation. Groups like the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) and the Immigrant Parent Voting Collaborative (IPVC) are working to organize numerous grassroots efforts promoting the civic engagement of non-citizens.

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  • Young Life at the Border

    For undocumented youth who commute between El Paso, Texas and Juárez, Mexico for school, finding a community to connect with and feel safe in is especially challenging. The Christian youth organization Young Life is there to fill that gap in immigrant students' lives by offering emotional and spiritual guidance as well as a support system that deals with any and all issues that arise, whether citizenship-related or not. The group has mentored hundreds of high school students whose lives straddle the border over the years, and many of those credit the group with helping them make sense of their "messy" lives.

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  • As ICE Releases Hundreds of Asylum-Seekers at a Time, Phoenix Churches Step in

    A series of churches in Phoenix, Arizona are stepping up to help migrant families released by ICE by providing them up with a place to stay temporarily, medical care, donated supplies, and the beginnings of a plan to find a place to stay. So far volunteers have estimated that they have helped over 60,000 migrants with no end in sight.

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  • Boomers at work: How to retain the biggest labor pool in Maine

    An organization in Portland, Maine ensures Baby Boomers who want to work are adequately trained and accepted in the work place. The Boomer Institute works with social security caps and flexible work hours, both of which prove to be obstacles for individuals looking for work after retirement.

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  • A Nazi flag led this Western Mayberry to confront hate once again. Now Fruita aims to send a different message.

    A small city in Colorado turned an act of bigotry — someone publicly flying a Nazi flag — into an opportunity for growth for the city. Fruita considers itself a welcoming, inclusive community, so they seized upon this opportunity to pass an Inclusivity Proclamation. The proclamation affirms their commitment to defeating prejudice and also added inclusivity as a part of their next city planning strategy.

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  • Facing Segregated Schools, Parents Took Integration Into Their Own Hands. It's Working.

    When City Hall was slow in addressing the issue of the deeply segregated schools in Manhattan and Brooklyn, parents took the matter in their own hands and drafted a proposal to integrate the students more. High-achieving students will enroll in low-performing schools and vice-versa, as well as doing away with the competitive admissions process to open up more spaces for students who are poor, homeless, learning English, or more. City Hall eventually approved the proposal with very little input from the mayor, but parents still maintain that they have a lot of work ahead of them still.

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  • Restoring Prisoners' Access to Education Reduces Recidivism

    A piece of bipartisan legislation was introduced to the United States’ Senate in February 2018 that would give individuals in incarceration access to Pell Grants, thus increasing their college education opportunities. While the bill was not enacted, it is part of an ongoing process of reinstating access to Pell Grants for prisoners from the Obama administration, who gave limited access in its Second Chance program. This bill speaks to the largely bipartisan cultural shift that embraces the need to invest in correctional education in order to prevent recidivism.

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  • Graffiti punished by reading - 'It worked!' says prosecutor

    After graffitiing a historic landmark with swastikas and racist phrases, a juvenile prosecutor chose to educate rather than punish the perpetrators. Each teen was given a list of 35 books that covered topics like race, religion, and culture, and they had to pick 12 and do monthly assignments for a year. The books included titles like, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou, and Night, by Elie Wiesel. After the year, the learning opportunity given to the teens showed demonstrable success.

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  • Jury of their peers: Youth court aims to keep students out of criminal justice system

    In Newark Youth Court, the common mistakes and misbehavior of childhood lead to a trial in which all of the participants are high school students, and the outcomes center on second chances and atoning for wrongdoing through community service and decision-making classes. The court, which hears about 100 cases per year, serves as an alternative to pushing allegations of minor fights, vandalism, and truancy into the justice system, where punishment falls most heavily on youth of color and can wreck lives without solving the discipline problems.

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  • How giving entrepreneurs 30 days of free retail space revived a North Avenue storefront and built a collective

    Pop-Up MKE was a pilot program that provided a risk-free way for artists to see if their products would sell in a retail space by giving 19 urban entrepreneurs 30 days of free retail space and mini-grants up to $2,000. Four participants formed The Bronzeville Collective MKE LLC and, after negotiating to stay in the retail space, they doubled their own sales and feature products from other creatives, particularly entrepreneurs of color. They split the rent four ways and collect a 20% vendor fee. Other participants in the pilot moved to permanent storefronts and/or expanded their retail presence.

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