Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Community Development Lenders Turning to Fintech for a Boost During Crisis

    CNote has provided a source of funding for federally certified Community Development Financial Institutions by pooling cash from foundations, bigger banks, philanthropists, and donor-advised funds to counter the lack of available cash flow experienced by CDFIs, which are lenders but not banks. Federal COVID-19 funding set aside $30 billion specifically for CDFIs that overwhelmingly lend to women- and minority-owned businesses, which face persistent racial and gender biases and are unable to successfully tap into lending and grants such as the Paycheck Protection Program through traditional lenders.

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  • Designing Accessible Communities

    Design students are being taught about accessibility and the challenges faced by those who live with disabilities at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. While new construction must comply with basic accessibility standards, the course is taught in an effort to make accessibility a bigger factor when architects and designers build new developments.

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  • Dumplings Against Hate Audio icon

    The NYC-based campaign, Dumplings Against Hate, has raised tens of thousands of dollars for Asian Americans for Equality’s Emergency Small Business Relief Fund by bringing together a virtual community of support. As the COVID-19 pandemic picked up in early 2020, Chinatown restaurants and businesses saw a decrease in revenue because of xenophobia and racism, inspiring the group’s creation. Since then, it’s acted as a model for similar groups across the country, and is creating a toolkit for cities to create their own campaigns.

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  • A New Tactic To Fight Coronavirus: Send The Homeless From Jails To Hotels Audio icon

    California’s governor signed an executive order allocating $50 million to lease hotel rooms for those experiencing homelessness after being released from prison as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. While the hotel business is at a standstill, it provides shelter and the needed self-isolation to one of the most vulnerable populations. So far, 7,000 hotel rooms have been reserved for these individuals.

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  • The Precisionists pairs people with autism in jobs in which they'll thrive

    A technology service company based in Wilmington, DE hires neurodiverse employees, people with developmental disabilities, to fulfill roles that they may typically be overlooked for despite their skillsets. TPI avoids the typical hiring practices that include interviews, small talk, or eye contact. Instead, they are tested through complicated LEGO kits, allowing potential employees to shine within their comfort zones. TPI's hiring practices have been so successful that they are in the process of scaling their business to other cities in order to tap into this typically overlooked pool of candidates.

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  • Coronavirus: Groups reopen 805 Undocufund to help undocumented immigrants during pandemic

    The collaborators behind a relief fund that is normally used for natural disasters is pivoting its purpose to be redistributed to undocumented immigrants who have been financially impacted by the coronavirus. Although the application is not yet live and will not solve systemic problems such as barriers to receiving unemployment insurance, the program has in the past proven helpful to thousands of families by providing short-term financial stability.

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  • As pandemic spreads, nonprofit is on a mission to clear out Twin Cities jails, one bail bond at a time

    The Minnesota Freedom Fund has ramped up its spending to pay bail for people with low-level charges. The COVID-19 threat has added urgency to this increasingly popular response to the cash bail system. With jails and prisons posing a great threat to inmates during a pandemic, there have been increased calls to release non-violent inmates to slow the spread and protect those experiencing incarceration.

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  • Advocacy for LGBTQIA Children, Youth Grows in Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

    The Episcopal Church advised Dioceses to be more inclusive of LGBTQIA and differently abled children and youth, particularly in light of the high numbers of LGBTQIA youth suicides. Rather than wait the years it could take for specific how-to guidance, the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta trained 30 volunteers to lead “Safeguarding” sessions where church members hear first hand accounts of the needs and concerns of LGBTQIA and differently abled youth and can form relationships with them and their families. The sessions are booked two months out and all clergy in the Diocese are being required to attend in person.

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  • When a Haircut Is More Than Just a Haircut

    Barbershops are a key part of Black Americans' culture, but the culture within those barbershops tend to be homophobic and alienating to LGTBQ individuals. To address this, a number of barbershops are catering specifically to the LGBTQ community by offering a safe and open space to get a haircut. They are able to cultivate this community through social media by using strategic tags, influencers, platforms, and outreach. A client describes the relief of having an accepting barbershop: "You just don't know how comforting it is walking into a place where you know you’re safe.”

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  • After #MeToo, This Group Has Nearly Erased Sexual Harassment in Farm Fields

    The Fair Food Program, which educates and empowers farmworkers to report on-the-job sexual harassment, has all but eliminated sexual assaults at participating farms in an industry that otherwise is known for vast power imbalances between migrant labor and labor contractors. By giving employers key business incentives to participate and by cracking the code of silence among workers, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers-run FFP has protected employees by educating tens of thousands of them while enforcing standards through a rigorous investigation and hearings process.

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