Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 30 Years Later: How The ADA Changed Life For People With Disabilities

    The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) mandated public places, businesses, facilities, and schools make accommodations for people with disabilities, including ramps, accessible entrances and bathrooms, and designated parking spaces. The ADA also makes discrimination against people with disabilities illegal, establishes a nationwide communication system for people with speech or hearing impairments, and encourages community-based services over institutionalization. While accessibility and discrimination can still be problems, the ADA has allowed people with disabilities to live independently.

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  • How sports institutions have overhauled their images in the past

    Renaming the Washington Redskins to remove a racist name and logo will require a difficult and delicate process juggling a host of issues that other professional and college sports franchises have successfully navigated in the past. Often a years-long process, rebranding involves choosing a name and color scheme that replace the harmful imagery with a positive name that passes trademark tests, wins fan support, maintains brand equity and continuity built over decades, and can be reduced to a simple logo that looks good on helmets and in all media, from TV screens to smartphones.

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  • How a Coalition of New York Activists Revealed Police-Department Secrets

    When New York legislators abolished a state law that had long shielded police officers’ disciplinary records from public scrutiny, they were not just responding to recent protests but also to activism over many years by reform advocates and families of victims of police violence. Long-running legal challenges had failed to pry the records loose. But activists – opposed by police unions and their allies – had used public testimony, publicity, and their families’ stories to lay the groundwork for changes that then came quickly after George Floyd’s death sparked nationwide protests of police brutality.

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  • The surprising reason many babies die around the world—and what's being done about it

    Born on Time, a partnership between the Canadian government, Johnson & Johnson, and NGOs, uses a comprehensive approach to reduce premature births, including educating women and men about the risk factors - like having babies close together and poor nutrition - providing free birth control, and encouraging women to deliver at hospitals. The program engages men with twice monthly meetings to teach them about their role in preventing pre-term births and they also run programs at schools that target early and forced marriages, normalize menstruation, and empower girls to have a voice in relationships.

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  • Bankruptcy forced this California city to defund police. Here's how it changed public safety

    Since filing for bankruptcy in 2012, at a time of high unemployment, spiking homicide rates, and deep alienation of the public from its police, Stockton, California has served as an experiment in involuntarily defunding of a police department. The city’s police chief championed a rethinking of policing’s role, seeking community partnerships with a police force whose ranks had been reduced to one of the lowest per-capita in the U.S. Serious problems remain, but public trust is up, crime is down, and homicides are solved at a much higher rate than in most cities.

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  • Could This City Hold the Key to the Future of Policing in America?

    Although driven by financial desperation and a desire to break a union, Camden, New Jersey’s decision to dismantle its police department and form a new one focused more on limiting its use of force has paid off in better community relations and arguably a role in reducing the city’s violence. Its approach is in high demand by other cities facing the same problems Camden confronted. At the same time, the reconstituted police force is faulted by critics for relying on intrusive surveillance and making racially disparate arrests for minor offenses.

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  • How Public Banking Could Make Black Lives Matter

    Black banks have been held up by leaders and celebrities in the community as a way to end Black poverty. Previous efforts have been made in the 1960s when Black banks gave loans to community members after being denied home loans from white banks. But those loans lost money when housing values declined as a result of redlining policies that damaged public schools. Black banking therefore was not the answer to ending Black poverty and bridging the gap between white and black wealth. One law professor believes the answer lies in public banking which is funded by tax revenue and acts as a public utility.

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  • A grassroots policing alternative in Hartford spreads its wings

    Members of a community group in North Hartford, CT, are a positive presence on the streets of the dangerous neighborhood they once grew up in. Men Standing Up Against Violence aim to deter violence, provide support, mediate conflicts, and mentor the youth. The presence of the group was initially unwelcomed by local police officers, but they have proven to be an effective and vital addition to the neighborhood, winning over both the community and the local police department. The group's success is attributed to the trust they've built with locals who often have a deep mistrust and fear of the police.

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  • UndocuFund SF: How San Franciscans rallied for undocumented immigrants affected by COVID-19

    Community leaders led the charge in raising funds for undocumented workers, who do not qualify for stimulus and unemployment checks during the Covid-19 shutdown which has left millions of people unable to work. A collaboration of people from various groups in San Francisco formed a nonprofit, UnDocuFund SF, raising more than $1.5 million for 705 households. The critical funds were raised through a combination of public generosity, state funding for undocumented workers, a local union, and a large anonymous donation.

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  • As protests against police brutality go global, these Latina moms fight in memory of their sons

    Mothers of young Latino men killed by sheriff’s deputies in East Los Angeles have struggled to pry information from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, but along the way they have formed a network of support groups helping fellow survivors cope with their grief and trauma. The loosely organized groups, populated mainly by women who hardly consider themselves activists, respond to the scenes of police shootings and engage with the mothers of victims in the weeks and months afterward. They have formed a sort of accountability watchdog brigade for a department that resists oversight.

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