Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • An Ohio county had the second-highest infant mortality rate in the nation. Then they started listening to Black moms.

    A local collaborative in Hamilton County, Ohio has reduced infant mortality by initiating regional educational campaigns and creating “sacred spaces” where Black women meet and learn how to become empowered to "tell the government what pregnant Black women needed." The program, which focused on three pilot neighborhoods and included leaders from the largest maternity systems in the county, resulted in the county recording the "lowest levels of infant mortality ever."

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  • Harris County's bail reforms let more people out of jail before trial without raising risk of reoffending

    Releasing tens of thousands more misdemeanor defendants from jail without requiring cash bail had no measurable effect on crime rates in Texas' most populous county. To settle a lawsuit that claimed cash bail unconstitutionally discriminated against people on the basis of wealth, Harris County established a set of reforms abolishing cash bail in most misdemeanor cases. Court-appointed researchers monitoring compliance with the settlement found re-offending rates remained stable while racial disparities in who gets released improved. Not tested yet was compliance with court appointments.

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  • Interest in Community Police Watch Training Soars as Courses Go Online

    Groups in the Bay Area that have successfully sought to have police disciplined for misconduct and won new police-accountability policies have turned their form of organized monitoring into a training platform for protesters nationwide. Responding to widespread Black Lives Matter protests, groups like Berkeley Copwatch and Wecopwatch use online education to teach hundreds of activists nationwide how to use videotape archives to systematically document abuses, and how to perform the work of legal observers at protests. Those activities are meant to act as deterrents to abuse.

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  • Minnesota COVID-19 outreach focuses on vulnerable communities of color

    To extend aid to the Minnesotans most vulnerable to the coronavirus, state and local health departments, backed by $4 million in state funding and by community groups' on-the-ground help, conducted an extensive campaign of culturally appropriate outreach to offer free COVID-19 tests and healthcare advice. The efforts have included one-on-one contacts, email blasts to free-school-lunch recipients, and TV and radio ads on media targeting Black, Latinx, immigrant, and refugee populations. Immigrant communities and people of color have been disproportionately hit by the pandemic.

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  • How two local newsrooms are sewing diversity into the fabric of their organizations

    During a year of racial-justice protests nationwide, journalists whose job is to hold institutions to account for racist outcomes have turned their gazes inward, to their own newsrooms. Their efforts have won some progress in diverse staffing at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis and the Express-News in San Antonio. The burden has fallen largely to journalists of color to press for newsrooms that better reflect their communities. In Minneapolis, managers promised a trio of new hires and better training. San Antonio editors began hiring columnists of color in the majority-Latino city.

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  • New York Police Change Attitudes After Implicit-Bias Training

    Mandatory implicit-bias training for all New York Police Department officers influenced the thinking and behavior of a majority of the department, but there is no proof that it reduced racial and ethnic disparities in the department's enforcement practices. A survey conducted after the $5.5 million, 2018-19 training program found that 70% of officers reported a better understanding of the problem and 58% said they attempted to put the coaching they received into practice. The training was aimed at increasing officers' awareness of their racial biases in order to improve relations with the community.

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  • How Angela Merkel's great migrant gamble paid off

    Five years after Germany sparked controversy with a welcoming message to the flood of refugees applying for asylum, more than half of those 1.7 million refugees have work and pay taxes, their youth show strong signs of belonging to their German communities, and more than 10,000 have mastered the language enough to enroll in German universities. Refuting anti-immigrant skeptics meant overcoming, or enduring, enormous social and economic challenges. Despite many bumps, the policy now appears to have avoided the nightmare scenarios foreseen by critics, such as inviting even more refugees.

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  • How do you teach antiracist curriculum to the youngest students?

    Students and educators across the country are discussing how to implement anti-racism curriculum in the classroom. Although it can be challenging, educators are using a myriad of methods to teach students about racism. “We are a part of the curriculum, the way that we show up, the way that we enter spaces.”

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  • Carbon County, aiming to be age-friendly, aligns with national network

    AARP is providing the framework, resources and accountability for local governments to make their cities more senior-friendly. From transportation, to health and community services, 450 communities across the country - and two in Montana - have pledged to work toward specific goals within five years. Carbon County has been working on improvements since 2018 and has reevaluated its efforts in the wake of a pandemic that has highlighted the specific vulnerabilities faced by senior citizens.

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  • Some Christian schools are finally grappling with their racist past and segregated present

    There is a race problem within Christian schools. More than half of non-Catholic Christian schools reported that 80 percent of their students are white. At a time of heightened racial tensions in America, some evangelicals are trying to change that. Hiring more staff of color, changing requirements that excluded black and brown students, and having difficult conversations, are some steps some schools are taking. “The world expects more from Christians,” Gross said, “And they should.”

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