Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a Cyprus charity realigned its services to face the pandemic

    The humanitarian organization known as Refugee Support in Nicosia, Cyrpus has been using WhatsApp to provide useful information to refugee populations during the coronavirus pandemic in addition to delivering food to 200 people per week. Although the organization is limited in who they can offer help to due to financial feasibility, the group has still been able to ease the "tension, conflict, and frustration between migrants during the process of being quarantined."

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  • How a German project uses shared interests to bring refugees and locals together

    Hand in Hand is a German initiative designed to match refugees looking to socialize with locals who are willing to welcome them to their new home. Social events were organized to bring people together based on interests and hobbies. Refugees who have benefitted from the opportunity to network with locals report a better grasp of the German language, a stronger network of friends, and some have even found work through their new network. The group’s success even garnered state funding to use toward event planning.

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  • Could matching skilled immigrants with employers help fill the gaps in Sweden's workforce?

    MatchIT helps prepare skilled immigrants for jobs in fields where Sweden has a shortage of labor. Highly educated immigrants are provided with a 22-week training in programming skills, Swedish language classes, and 10-week internships. The program is aimed at filling a need in Sweden while helping immigrants better integrate into a xenophobic society.

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  • Year of racial awakening may topple Richmond's last Confederate statue

    Richmond’s Robert E. Lee statue has become an example of American protest art as protesters have covered it in graffiti demanding racial justice and surrounded it with basketball hoops, gardens, tents, lawn chairs, and a grill for community gatherings. The site has become a symbol, a place of local pilgrimage, to collectively create a public space of belonging and protest racial injustices and systemic racism. The Lee statue is likely to be taken down soon, as all other confederate statues on "monument row" have been, because a judge recently struck down the legal challenges to the state’s plan to remove it.

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  • Amid COVID and Racial Unrest, Black Churches Put Faith in Mental Health Care

    Black churches across the U.S. are collaborating with psychologists and counselors to offer their community access to mental health care services during the coronavirus pandemic. Although not all congregants were initially receptive to the idea of intertwining religion with virtual psychology presentations and on-site counselors, "over time, some members of the clergy have come to realize the two can coexist."

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  • In Italy, deserted railway buildings are patching up the social fabric and supporting migrants

    More than 400 social service centers occupy spaces abandoned by the Italian Railway Network. The sites are managed by social stakeholders but, unlike other national assistance centers, they do not require citizenship to receive benefits, allowing people who are often left out of government programs to receive food, basic medical care, and other services like laundry and a shower. Social service groups are granted the locations for up to five years, and nearly 25,000 people receive benefits across the network each year, the majority of whom are migrants, refugees, and citizens of other countries.

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  • Rewriting Black And Brown History, With A Little Help From Augmented Reality

    Glenn Cantave is bridging two worlds- AR technology and school curriculum, in order to educate students about Black and Brown people's history. With a team of coders he created an app called “Movers and Shakers.” The app has a catalog of “heroes you never learn about in school.” Student users navigate the app to learn about the heroes; women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community. The app is being tested in one school district. “This sounds horrible, but we need to see what white people actually did to Black people because textbooks only tell you this much — and it’s not enough."

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  • How a Spanish project keeps migrant mothers away from trafficking networks

    Women migrating to Spain from Sub-Saharan often fall prey to traffickers of sex workers and forced laborers, but gaps in aid to them exist because most migrants are young men traveling alone. Since 2018, the Ödos Project has provided shelter and counseling to women traveling with children, to give them a stable entry point in the country to lessen the risk of trafficking. The young women at Ödos often come with histories of gender-based discrimination and violence in their home countries, typically Ivory Coast and Guinea Conakry. Workshops include how to seek asylum.

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  • 'We help prepare migrants for the job market – and prepare Greek employers for diversity'

    Generation 2.0 empowers migrant job-seekers through career counseling, resume help, and interview prep. Additionally, it provides diversity workshops for employers who are unfamiliar with the bureaucratic aspects of hiring an asylum-seeker. The program has successfully helped refugees find work and navigate unfamiliar Greek systems to integrate into Greek society.

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  • How the Criminal Justice System Fails People With Mental Illness

    Crisis-intervention and de-escalation trainings for police were meant to reform the criminal justice system's handling of people suffering from mental illness. But a lack of rigorous standards in the training and use of these approaches means that they routinely fail as a means of diverting people from arrest and incarceration toward treatment. That failure, combined with a lack of adequate mental-health-care resources, maintains jails' and prisons' role as the nation's de facto mental health care hospitals, even though they lack the will and the means to help people heal.

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