Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Lessons From Portland's Protest Movement

    Organized groups of volunteers helped sustain over four months of Black Lives Matters protests, with centralized information sources keeping the public informed and essential support services provided. A network of over 160 medics tended to protesters' health needs and organizers provided air filters to deal with tear gas. Protestors getting out of jail were given food, water, and other resources, and affected neighborhoods were cleaned up by teams of volunteers. Such support created other ways to participate while also providing critical infrastructure to sustain months of protests for racial justice.

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  • NYC Court Summons Redesigned With Human Behavior in Mind

    New York City courts significantly reduced no-shows for court dates by redesigning court summons forms and sending text reminders to people of their upcoming court dates. An estimated 30,000 fewer arrest warrants were issued, thanks to the behavioral "nudges" that researchers designed with one realization in mind: People often miss court dates accidentally, not intentionally. The changes were made to summons systems, used for low-level offenses, but they could also be used in more serious criminal cases.

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  • How US cities fixed violations to Asian Americans' voting rights in 2020

    Violations of the Voting Rights Act during primary and local elections led the city of Malden, where 23% of its 60,000 residents are of Asian descent, to provide voting materials and information - including mail-in ballots, voting instructions, official election websites, and precinct signs - in English and Chinese. The city also hired a trilingual city employee fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin and collaborated with community advocacy groups on voter outreach and recruiting more bilingual poll workers. Advocates see Malden as a role model for other jurisdictions to remedy voter access issues.

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  • Creating safer spaces for LGBTQ migrants of colour in Bremen

    Queeraspora was founded in Bremen as a safe space for immigrant and refugee LGBTQ+ people to find social and emotional support, as well as access to information. Around twenty people make up the nucleus of the group, and they come from all over the world including Turkey, Taiwan, India, Bosnia, and South America. The meetings focus on personal empowerment, as well as political organizing and educational workshops. The mix of social and educational activities provides a network for people who experience homophobia among refugee and migrant communities and racism among mainstream LGBTQ+ communities.

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  • ‘From queer to queer': How locals are supporting LGBTQ asylum seekers in Denmark

    LGBT Asylum’s trained volunteers have provided emotional support to over 400 LGBT+ asylum applicants, also preparing them for the procedural process, such as the questions they will be asked and how long it will take. LGBT+ applicants have to prove their sexual orientation and the danger they face in their home countries because of it, which is emotionally triggering. The all-LGBT+ volunteers are able to relate on some commonalities, which can make it easier for the asylum seekers to talk about their struggles. The group also holds social and networking events to hep people integrate into Danish society.

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  • Local initiative helps folks with cannabis-related charges find jobs—while pushing to decriminalize pot

    When Pennsylvania's largest medical-marijuana dispensary, TerraVida Holistic Centers, struggled to find enough employees, given the state's ban on the industry's employment of people with marijuana convictions, TerraVida joined with the Urban League of Philadelphia to expand aid to the formerly incarcerated. Through Urban League's Out4Good program, the partnership helps people expunge their drug convictions. It also counsels and financially helps groups of 10 trainees at a time, dozens of whom have started careers and stayed out of trouble. The group also seeks a longer-term fix: marijuana legalization.

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  • Everyday resilience in a Lesvos refugee camp

    People living in the Kara Tepe refugee camp find creative ways to withstand the oftentimes inhumane conditions. To supplement insufficient food rations, volunteers bake and distribute up to 400 pieces of bread a day while others fish to provide their own food. The NGO Yoga & Sport for Refugees organizes swimming, running, and team sports to provide mental health outlets. Residents also organize non-formal educational activities because no formal schooling is provided for camp residents. The Instagram account Now You See Me Moria publishes photos taken by camp residents to raise awareness of these issues.

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  • The Karen Next Door

    During protests over racial inequity in American criminal justice, the Karen video became a common response to an incident of racist hostility. A case in Montclair, New Jersey, at first followed the familiar trajectory. Confronted by a white woman over a perceived assault, a Black victim of the false accusation posted a video of the argument and the inevitable call for police assistance. White allies responded with support for the Black victims, which is the intended effect of such videos. But the aftermath raised a host of unresolved questions about how best to think about and respond to such incidents.

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  • I've experienced racism all my life. But a course called 'Unlearning Racism' opened my eyes to new information and ideas.

    Milwaukee is one of the most segregated cities in the country. Nationally, a Gallup poll found that 55% of Americans believe “race relations between Blacks and whites to be either "very or somewhat bad." To improve race relations, the YMCA in Milwaukee created a course called, “Unlearning Racism.” Participants ranged in race, occupation, and age. The class covered topics like white privilege and how to address racism. It also required students to engage in discussions about racism.

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  • Egypt's #MeToo Activists See Progress, but ‘the Road Ahead Is Long'

    A growing #MeToo movement brought sexual assault into national dialogues, even in remote governorates, and has led to arrests and legal reforms, such as allowing sexual assault victims and witnesses to remain anonymous. The current wave was started by a student who used Instagram to expose a fellow student as a perpetrator. Many women shared their stories of assault, and within days he was arrested and is standing trial. This encouraged more women to share their stories, with high-profile celebrities and influencers, including religious authorities, speaking out in support of women.

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