Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Women-run media network rewrites women's roles

    Khabar Lahariya, India’s only feminist news network, employs female journalists to cover hyper-local issues within their communities. Khabar Lahariya has become a blend of activism and journalism and has a reach of 10 million viewers each month.

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  • Oakland's success shows how Philly-wide restorative justice could work

    Modeled on a long-running and successful program in Oakland, Philadelphia schools' Relationships First program uses restorative justice to reform school discipline. The program follows a three-step approach to changing culture. At its core, teachers and students deepen their relationships so that when they use group dialogue to address the harm that people have caused, the chances for healing are greater. Violence has dropped when it was used in one Philadelphia neighborhood in cases of serious offenses. In Oakland, expulsions, suspensions, and racial disparities are all way down.

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  • Community Sponsorship in the UK: A win-win approach for resettling refugees?

    Community buy-in for refugee resettlement is providing a legal avenue for those seeking asylum. Local groups across the UK have come together with the intention of helping refugees get settled. The groups raise money to be used by families to get through the first few months in addition to helping them open bank accounts, register for services, practice English, and more.

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  • 'It seemed like our lives didn't matter'

    The murder of Ahmaud Arbery sparked nationwide rage, but the people most affected by local racism felt it most keenly. A Better Glynn formed to seek reforms in Glynn County law enforcement after years of status-quo racism and resistance to change. The group worked with an existing group of Black pastors and other leaders and found success in the firing of the police chief, his replacement by the county's first Black chief, the district attorney's reelection defeat, and the beginnings of police reforms.

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  • ‘An utter failure': Law meant to clear old convictions, including for marijuana possession, helps few

    In 2018, Massachusetts legislators passed a law allowing people with certain lower-level criminal records to seal the records or expunge convictions altogether. The law was meant to remove the burden that a criminal record imposes on people seeking jobs or renting apartments, particularly when the conduct is no longer illegal, such as marijuana possession. Thousands have managed to get their records sealed. But relatively few have sought or won expungement, thanks to an overly restrictive and complicated process that hasn't been explained well to those who could benefit.

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  • St. Paul police credit jiu-jitsu training for reducing injuries — and excessive force settlements

    When St. Paul police studied controversial cases in which officers used physical force, they found troubling examples that were products of the training given to officers. So they began training new and veteran officers to use tactics inspired by the Brazilian martial art jiu-jitsu, which prizes teamwork by two officers to use leverage to restrain resistant people rather than using brute force, weapons, or chemicals. In the six years after the training began, St. Paul officers used force far less often, injured far fewer people, and cost the city much less money in settlements payments.

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  • This library lets you borrow people instead of books. It just may help bridge our bitter divisions

    Human Library is a nonprofit learning platform that allows people to borrow “human books” instead of books. Each person represents a group that faces prejudice or stigmas because of their lifestyle, ethnicity, beliefs, or disability. The group has held in-person and online events in over 80 countries where participants can ask difficult questions that they might feel embarrassed to ask otherwise. The experiences encourage empathy and are nonpartisan. The library has over 1,000 “human books” who speak over 50 languages and has provided speakers for major corporations conducting diversity trainings.

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  • Why Albuquerque's latest experiment in policing doesn't involve officers

    Albuquerque established a new city department, Albuquerque Community Safety, that handles some of the 200,000 calls to 911 every year for a range of low-level, non-violent problems that don't require a police response. Since its launch in August 2021, the department has fielded just two teams of behavioral health specialists on call during the day. The city plans to expand the team's hours and responsibilities, though some are uneasy about exposing the unarmed workers to the potential for violence. The city has a long history of police shootings of mentally ill people, and ACS is meant to curb that threat.

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  • Meet the amazing people rewriting the narrative about LGBTQ youth homelessness

    The Ali Forney Center is the largest of several organizations across the country serving LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness. It has seventeen sites and serves about 2,000 young people a year, nearly half of whom come from out of state. In addition to setting people up with stable housing, the drop-in center serves daily meals and offers showers and laundry. Advocacy programs and case managers help the youth find permanent jobs, further their education, or put funds aside to secure stable long-term housing. They also offer counseling services, support groups, and temporary employment for many young people.

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  • A record number of cities used ranked-choice voting this week. Will it make elections more inclusive?

    Ranked-choice voting has been adopted by a record number of municipalities. The system allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference, and votes for the bottom candidates are reallocated to the voters second choice until one candidate wins a majority. The system has expanded opportunities for independent and third-party candidates to win elections and, in some jurisdictions, has led to greater numbers of people of color and women winning elected office.

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