Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The silent revolution: From the streets to the class

    The Centre for Girls Education in Zaria City, Nigeria provides educational programs for female students across age groups and stages of life, from preschool initiatives centered around the Montessori philosophy to programs for married adolescents. The organization has served more than 7,000 girls to date and encourages older girls and past participants to share their perspectives and experiences with younger students through "cascading mentorship."

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  • Brothers Empowered to Teach: 'Planting seeds for that next generation'

    Brothers Empowered to Teach provides a paid fellowship to train Black men to be teachers. The organization focuses on the development of the whole person, from character building and life skills to teaching experience. They have placed over 170 people in classrooms since its inception, providing visibility and representation for young children to see people who look like them in careers they may not have thought possible for themselves.

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  • ‘It starts with us': Roanoke organizations teaming up to combat Black maternal mortality crisis

    Birth in Color, in partnership with Birth Equity Action & Research to Transform Health (BEARTH) Village, is working to address the Black maternal mortality crisis. The community-based organizations use research and cultural wisdom to dismantle inequities Black women face during birth. The groups provide free doula care to provide care and advocate for women in healthcare settings. There are currently 80 available doulas who help about 350 women give birth each year.

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  • TIRRC Votes harnesses "Black and brown political power"

    Ahead of Tennessee's August 2022 primary, organizations such as TIRRC (Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition) Votes and the Effendi Foundation targeted their outreach toward immigrant communities to increase turnout in key elections, resulting in wins for several TIRRC-endorsed candidates. The organizations relied on culturally-relevant strategies, including employing engagement coordinators from multiple countries, bringing candidates to speak at local mosques, and using community-specific language in written outreach.

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  • Nigerian Kids With Cerebral Palsy Are Overcoming Discrimination At School, Here Is How

    The Let Cerebral Palsy Kids Learn foundation trains Nigerian teachers in how to better serve students with the condition, while also educating parents about cerebral palsy and providing support and assistance to place their children in mainstream schools. The organization has placed more than 100 students in partner schools since 2017 and has trained more than 500 parents and teachers.

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  • Is police accountability working in San Francisco?

    After San Francisco voters approved the creation of a new Department of Police Accountability to investigate allegations of police misconduct, the body recommended discipline for officers at a higher rate than the state average in 2021. But the majority of cases are still settled in favor of officers and 66 percent of civilian complainants reported being dissatisfied with the outcome of their case, an outcome experts and former employees of the DPA attribute to a lack of independent authority and leadership to wield the agency's powers.

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  • Youth-led NGOs are battling period poverty in Nigeria. Their weapon is reusable pads

    One Voice Initiative for Women and Children Emancipation and Reaching Minds Foundation are two organizations that have distributed thousands of reusable pad kits to school girls and women. The organizations also train people on how to make their own reusable pads from environmentally friendly fabrics and use them correctly.

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  • Free school meals helped families during the pandemic. This fall, those lunches won't return.

    Several studies have shown the link between universal free school meals and higher academic performance, improved nutrition and health, and better behavior. Children who deal with food insecurity often receive “most of their dietary needs at school.”

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  • A Mentorship Programme Is Turning Young PWDs Into A Thriving Workforce

    The Peniel Foundation virtually connects people with disabilities with mentors to help them learn to achieve their goals, level up their career skills to access to better jobs and become financially independent. Since forming, the foundation has seen thousands join the program and go on to have great success in their careers and personal lives.

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  • United for LGBTQ Hotel Workers

    Labor union UNITE HERE represents 300,000 working people in the U.S. and Canada across multiple industries including hotels, food service, manufacturing, and more. The union's Sleep with the Right People campaign aims to support LGBTQ+ hotel workers, who are historically discriminated against in the workplace.

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