Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • New solutions unveiled to curtail L.A. County's Black infant and maternal death rates

    Universal Basic Income programs like LA County’s “Breathe” provide monthly funds to people in need, some of which include expectant mothers. The state is currently in the process of rolling out more UBI programs aimed specifically at pregnant people to help improve rates of infant and maternal mortality among people of color.

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  • Cleveland voter advocacy groups get access to jails for first time in years, push for clear policies

    After a few years of virtual outreach due to the pandemic, Northeast Ohio Voter Advocates held an in-person drive in the Cuyahoga County Corrections Center to help people incarcerated there get registered to vote and request mail-in ballots. Over two days, the organization added 69 inmates to the county's voter rolls and helped 75 request ballots.

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  • US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

    As the result of an electoral law introduced in the late '90s and later added to the country's constitution, roughly half of Bolivian lawmakers at every level of government are women. Though the country outperforms many others, including the United States, on gender parity in the legislature, women are still underrepresented in executive positions.

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  • These women are defying tradition—by flying

    Women in Cuetzalan, Mexico, taking part in the danza de los voladores, an Indigenous ritual performed to ask for good harvests and rain, are called voladoras. By partaking in a tradition initially performed by only men, they are laying a path for other women to follow and showing it is unnecessary to exclude them.

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  • How Angwan Gwuragwu, FCT women are earning while keeping community

    In an effort to address issues of waste disposal, the Women Recyclers Empowerment Initiative empowers women in local communities by paying them to recycle plastics. Not only does the initiative address waste issues, but it also allows women to become financially independent. So far, 40 women have participated in the initiative.

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  • LGBT Couples From China Say ‘I Do' in Utah Over Zoom

    Utah has no residency or citizenship requirements for marriage licenses, which has made it a destination wedding spot. The state’s second-biggest county, Utah County, started conducting virtual wedding ceremonies in 2020 in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. So far, couples from more than 100 countries have signed up for virtual marriage licenses. Zoom weddings in Utah have become a viable solution, especially for couples who face legal or religious challenges when trying to get married in their home country.

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  • Police reforms often thwarted by unions

    The Ethical Society of Police is an association primarily made up of officers of color. The association aims to encourage and educate on ethics among law enforcement and works to foster better relationships within the communities they serve.

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  • Where Can Black Men Receive Mental Health Support? At the Local Barbershop

    Community advocates and mental health organizations like NAMI are creating mental health support groups and informational sessions at barbershops for Black men. The Black male community is strongly impacted by mental health stigma and these groups and resources bring members of the community together to support each other.

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  • Workplace equity in Charlotte

    The Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce was originally formed as a safe space for LGBTQ+ business owners and professionals to network safely. The Chamber offers a combination of networking events, advocacy, and professional development opportunities designed to ensure members have access to the skills and training necessary to develop an equitable business community.

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  • Bail Reform Is Picking Up Across Counties Nationwide

    The Bail Project allows defendants to go free while awaiting trial. Bail reform takes the burden off of the poor and prevents people from losing their jobs while sitting in jail awaiting trial because they can’t afford to pay their bail, specifically for those with misdemeanor charges. In the first six months following the bail reform, there were 1,500 more people released. Following them for three years, there was a 6% decrease in prosecutions and guilty pleas and time served also dropped.

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