Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • LGBTQIA+-inclusive adult leagues creating safe spaces for queer athletes

    LGBTQIA+ inclusive sports leagues in Phoenix, Arizona, provide a safe space for members of the community to participate in a variety of organized sports without fear of discrimination.

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  • This NYC elementary school wants to serve everyone, including kids with complex disabilities

    At P.S. 958 in Brooklyn, students with and without disabilities learn together under an inclusive model. Initiatives such as the AIMS program, which is designed for students with autism, allow the school to serve students who might otherwise be segregated in more restrictive settings geared only toward those with disabilities.

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  • NH nonprofit helps develop, promote gender-affirming spaces

    The Affirming Spaces Project (ASP) helps local businesses create more affirming spaces for transgender and nonbinary employees and customers by providing training on topics like gender identity, pronoun use and how to use affirming language. Businesses that complete training get added to ASP’s database of affirming businesses and receive a decal to place in their storefront window. The database currently has more than 60 local businesses and organizations listed.

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  • How Black Americans Are Reclaiming Outdoors Spaces — and Their Health

    Groups like Black People Who Hike, Good Co. Bike Club and Black Women Who are emerging across the country to challenge the stigma and racial discrimination people of color face in outdoor, recreational spaces. Studies show that interacting with nature can have significant health benefits. These groups strive to increase diversity access to these outdoor spaces as a way for people of color to find joy and healing outdoors.

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  • Continuum of care: How one state coalition is bridging the gap on gender-affirming resources

    The Gender Diverse Care Coalition of New Hampshire works to expand access to gender-affirming care through free training, consultations with providers, education and advocacy work. The Coalition also has a website that offers a database of resources on gender-affirming care in the state and surrounding area. Through its offerings, the Coalition is working to increase the number of providers in the state who are comfortable and capable of providing care to transgender patients.

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  • Slow but steady progress on removing offensive place names in Oregon

    The U.S. Board of Geographic Names and the Oregon Geographic Names Board are changing offensive and racist geographic place names in the state. When looking to change a name, the boards reach out to community members and experts for recommendations. They also review new name proposals that locals submit for both unnamed and named locations.

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  • “Vieques is our home”: 24 years of the Vieques Women's Alliance

    The Viequense Women’s Alliance combines the knowledge from community youth and experienced advocacy mentors to develop community leaders who are educated on current issues and technology. Women of all ages join together to advocate for their human rights.

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  • Por qué las líderes comunitarias son un actor clave para promover los derechos del grupo étnico más perseguido del mundo

    En los campos de refugiados en Nueva Dehli, el trabajo de las mujeres en coordinación con agencias de ayuda humanitaria resulta efectivo para mejorar la inclusión escolar de las niñas rohinyás, combatir el matrimonio infantil y mejorar las condiciones de salud.

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  • The ReelAbilities Film Festival: Growing by Inclusion

    The ReelAbilities Film Festival promotes awareness and increases the representation of people with disabilities in movies. The festival, which has expanded to several cities across the country, shows award-winning films by and about people with disabilities and also hosts post-screening discussions to bring the community together to celebrate diversity.

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  • 'This is ours' - Somaliland women smell success as frankincense business takes off

    Beeyo Maal is a collective of women running their own businesses in Somaliland’s male-dominated frankincense industry. The group, which has about 280 members, allows women to make roughly five times what they were paid when previously working for exploitative companies.

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