Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • When AI Meets Conservation

    Okala, a technology company, has developed smart camera traps equipped with a mini-computer and a satellite connection that, with the help of artificial intelligence, send researchers real-time notifications about which species pass by. Real-time camera alerts are not only helping researchers, but also surrounding communities intent on keeping people and crops safe from wild animals.

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  • GHGSat and Carbon Mapper satellites take flight as landfill gas monitoring tech matures

    Monitoring satellites are starting to play an important role in helping nations find and address greenhouse gas emissions; from space, new satellites' data and other technologies are identifying methane plumes around the world.

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  • 'Fight for it to be better'

    The Capacity Collaborative and Thriving Earth Exchange are working together to establish volunteer community science hubs to support environmental justice projects in communities around the United States. The organizations connect communities with scientists and experts who volunteer their time to help move their projects forward.

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  • Biobanking Corals: One Woman's Mission to Save Coral Genetics in Turks and Caicos to Rebuild Reefs of the Future

    The Turks and Caicos Reef Fund coral lab houses a living biobank of coral species at risk of being lost to climate change impacts and disease. Researchers collect the corals from the ocean and plan to keep them on land until the oceans are a suitable habitat again.

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  • They've Got a Plan to Fight Global Warming. It Could Alter the Oceans.

    The startup CarbonRun developed a machine that adds limestone to rivers to increase the amount of carbon dioxide they trap. Adding the alkaline substance to the water as a powder converts carbon dioxide into a stable molecule, which keeps it underwater.

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  • How coastal communities are adapting to sea level rise with 'living shorelines'

    Coastal communities in Maine are building living shorelines to adapt to sea level rise and address erosion concerns. This nature-based solution uses native plants and materials, or even discarded holiday trees, to bolster shorelines against strong storms and higher tides. And they get stronger as nature takes its course over time.

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  • Researchers Turned to Churches To Study St. Louis Air Quality

    A St. Louis faith and advocacy organization, Metropolitan Congregations United, helped scientists bring together a group of churches willing to install air quality monitors to gather data on pollution and call for solutions.

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  • How an international effort is keeping North America free of a deadly amphibian disease

    Bsal is a fungal pathogen that causes a deadly disease in salamanders. Experts from Mexico, Canada, and the United States came together to create the volunteer-based North American Bsal Task Force to prevent it from spreading further and prepare a plan of action for when the pathogen reaches the continent.

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  • How colleges can become 'living labs' for combating climate change

    Colleges across the United States are adopting the “campus as a living lab” approach to integrate climate change mitigation and environmental education into curriculums and combine them with efforts to make campuses more sustainable. Students across departments work on projects relevant to their degrees and the environment, many of which are implemented by the schools.

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  • A New Wildlife Crossing Provides Safe Passage Over a Busy Interstate

    Environmentalists, biologists, wildlife advocates, and even ski clubs formed the I-90 Wildlife Bridges Coalition to push for wildlife crossings to be a part of a massive construction project on Washington’s heavily trafficked Snoqualmie Pass. The Department of Transportation took notice. It's working with other government agencies and wildlife experts to install bridges and tunnels designed for animals of all sizes to safely cross the road.

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