Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A La Reliure du Limousin, les aides gouvernementales sont indispensables au succès de l'apprentissage

    Chez La Reliure du Limousin, entreprise de reliure et de restauration de documents anciens, les financements publics soutiennent un programme d’apprentissage qui allie formation technique et cours théoriques. L’entreprise accueille 10 apprentis par an et a jusqu’à présent embauché une douzaine pour des postes permanents.

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  • The Fifth Vital Sign: Atlanta Doctors Are Talking Climate Change With Patients

    Doctors are leveraging trust built over time with patients to combat misinformation around climate change. The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health and its affiliates, including Georgia Clinicians for Climate Action, train healthcare providers on climate communication through fellowships, advocacy work, and educational materials to better equip them for these conversations.

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  • Trump Cuts Research Lab That Helped Nurture 'Mississippi Miracle'

    Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) are research centers that support states and school districts as they implement new practices, such as in Mississippi, where an REL helped the state train its teachers in the science of reading and successfully bring its fourth-grade reading proficiency scores from 49th in the nation to 29th. However, the federal government recently terminated all of its contracts with RELs, jeopardizing the future of programs already in progress.

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  • Demand for immigration legal services spikes at California colleges

    In the University of California and California State University systems, undocumented students have access to Dream resource centers where they can get support with financial aid, mental health services, community-building, and legal aid for immigration cases. These services have seen demand skyrocket since the 2024 presidential election and subsequent executive orders around immigration.

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  • Apprenticeships Bring a Fresh Generation to Small Dairy Farms

    Since 2015, the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship, with support by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), has worked to help dairy farmers transfer skills and opportunities to a new generation. Thus far, slmost 70 apprentices have graduated from the program as independent journeyworkers, and 59 farmer-apprentice pairs are currently active across the country.

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  • Inside the Bridge's 'fight to stay alive'

    The Bridge Peer Counseling Center provides 24/7, free, anonymous counseling to students, by students. The student counselors are trained in crisis response and volunteer over 30 hours each week to keep the center running, ensuring mental health support is always accessible on campus.

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  • In Türkiye, Girl Villages Have Become a Lifeline for Education

    To help relieve the burden of ancillary education costs such as transportation, supplies, and meals, with the ultimate goal of preventing girls from dropping out early, the Korunuck Foundation operates two housing campuses for Turkish girls where they receive comprehensive support for their studies. The programs currently serve 125 students, and 36 girls have been accepted into universities.

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  • How Government Buses Are Transforming Girl Child Education in Kano

    To help address low school attendance and retention among girls, Kano’s state government launched a transportation initiative with buses that bring students to and from school for N50 per trip, a much lower cost than arriving by commercial rickshaw. Both students and teachers report that the program has made it easier and less costly to arrive at school on time.

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  • 'We have to be leaders': Jordanian tech entrepreneur on inspiring the next generation amid Middle East war

    Robotna provides free education programs in robotics, coding, and AI to the public and students at government-funded schools in Jordan with the goal of expanding access to careers in technology. One of its initiatives provides practical training to graduates of IT and engineering programs, and roughly 70 percent of participants obtain an interview or a full-time job within six months of completing the training.

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  • Intergenerational care benefits children and seniors. Why is it still so rare?

    At intergenerational care facilities, early learning programs co-locate with senior homes, giving students and care residents plenty of opportunities to interact. Research shows this type of intergenerational program can have physical and cognitive benefits for both the adults and the children involved in them.

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