Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This NYC elementary school wants to serve everyone, including kids with complex disabilities

    At P.S. 958 in Brooklyn, students with and without disabilities learn together under an inclusive model. Initiatives such as the AIMS program, which is designed for students with autism, allow the school to serve students who might otherwise be segregated in more restrictive settings geared only toward those with disabilities.

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  • Jewish teens, led by Ezra Beinart, are gathering on Zoom to meet prominent Palestinians

    High school junior Ezra Beinart founded an initiative that invites Palestinians to speak with young American Jews via video chat. The goal of the project, which has hosted six speakers so far, is to introduce Jewish teenagers to perspectives on Israel-Palestine that they may not be exposed to within their communities.

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  • Returning Indigenous ancestors home to New Zealand/Aotearoa

    The Karanga Aotearoa program coordinates with museums and cultural institutions across the world to repatriate Moriori remains and artifacts stolen by colonizers throughout New Zealand/Aotearoa's history. The process is Indigenous-led, with significant involvement from the descendents of those being returned, and prioritizes maintaining dignity for the ancestors.

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  • Students, Teachers Say AP African American Studies Course Was a Success

    Advanced Placement African American Studies, a pilot course created by College Board, explores African American history and culture with the goal of covering events and concepts not often taught in high school classrooms. Students in the pilot program say the course gave them a deeper perspective on African history and helped them contextualize current events.

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  • As anti-drag protests rage, counter-protest is a key part of queer activism

    When anti-drag protesters appeared at a library storytelling event in Calgary, counter-protesters from the Fairy Garden Project showed up with pink angel wings to protect performers and attendees entering the event. The strategy follows a long tradition of counter-protest in LGBTQ2S+ communities.

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  • Bishop-supported leadership training for immigrants transforms parish communities

    Recognizing the Stranger is a faith-based program that provides support and mentorship to immigrant leaders with the goal of building bridges between immigrant and nonimmigrant communities. The initiative has helped immigrants in the church organize "know your rights" events, advocate for expanded tax credits for undocumented workers, and roll out parish ID cards amid a rise in deportations.

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  • Caste in India: Hip hop fights for Dalit rights

    Dalit hip-hop musicians are using their art and social media to propel the Dalit rights and anti-caste movements to the forefront of mainstream conversation.

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  • Women of Winter inspires the downhill rush that uplifts – and diversifies

    Women of Winter helps train women of color to become professional ski instructors and make the sport more accessible and diversified. Women from across the country come to join the program, receiving a sense of community and access to scholarships to attend events to further their education and experience.

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  • ‘It's about inclusion': Norfolk's first drag storytime a progressive step for rural county, advocates say

    A rural county recently hosted its first drag storytime in an effort to increase representation and inclusion among children — and adults — in the community by exposing them to LGBTQ+ people in their neighborhood. Those who attended felt a sense of belonging, inclusivity, and acceptance in a county that has historically been lacking.

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  • Can the Increase in Higher Education Diversity and Inclusion Efforts Solve Health Disparities?

    Medical schools and public health programs have shifted some of their practices in an effort to attract more Black students, such as by removing GRE requirements and recruiting more Black faculty, and these schools have seen an influx of applications during the pandemic. One example is Brown University's Health Equity Scholars program, which offers tuition support, a paid research assistantship, and formalized mentorship to a diverse cohort each year.

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