Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Rababben Birni (2): Addini Ya Raba Mazauna Jos, Kwallon Kafa Tana Hadasu

    Tare da yan wasan kungiyoyin kwallon kafa na “Reconciliation” (Sulhu), “Peace” (zaman lafiya), “Love” (Soyayya), “Humanity” (Mutuntaka) da “Forgiveness” (Yafiya); wadanda kungiyar “Face of Peace Global” ta shirya, sun fara kokarin cire duk wani tsoro da rikicin addini ya dasa a garin a tsawon lokaci. Bayan shekaru 18 ana rikici tsakanin musulmi da kiristoci ta yadda har mutane suka koma zama a mabanbanta garuruwa, kocinan kungiyoyin kwallon kafa sun hada yan wasan da aka cakudasu ta fuskar addini da makotaka.

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  • Connections over controversy: criminal justice department and BSU team up to add BLM flag to display

    Northern Michigan University's Black Student Union turned its unhappiness with the display on campus of a "thin blue line" flag into a series of deep and open conversations that led to a compromise and a new set of collaborations. The university's criminal justice department had put the flag on display. One BSU member approached the department chair to ask that it be removed. But that led to a long, respectful conversation, followed by meetings of students on both sides. A Black Lives Matter flag was added to the display and the two groups are planning a joint educational program on the issue.

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  • Yadda Garuruwan Jos Ke Kokarin Hadin Kai Bayan Shekaru Cikin Rikici (1)

    Tare da taimakon wata kungiya mai zaman kanta, al’ummar wasu garuruwa guda biyu da suka fada rikici a 2001 sun samu hanyar da za su zauna lafiya da juna. Wasu harare da mayar da martani da ya faru a tsakanin kiristocin unguwar Balkazai da kuma musulman unguwar Mai Damisa sun janyo asarar daruruwan rayuka da gidaje. Manyan da kungiyar ‘Youth Initiative Against Violence and Human Rights Abuse’ ta horar suna bawa matasa labaran zaman lafiya da ya wakana a Jos. Samarin da kungiyar ‘Jos Stakeholders for Peace’ ta horar kuma sun yarda su ajiye makamansu.

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  • The Polarised City (2): Jos, Divided By Religion, United By Football

    With team names like Reconciliation, Peace, Love, Humanity, and Forgiveness, the football league organized by Face of Peace Global has begun to chip away at the religious-based fears and hostility that tore their city apart for a generation. Following 18 years of sectarian violence between Muslims and Christians in which people settled into starkly separate zones, the football coaches recruited teams deliberately mixed across religious and neighborhood lines. Divisions did not dissolve instantly, but players say that over time they have grown to trust and like their teammates, small steps toward peace.

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  • Inside the ‘TA to BA' Educator Fellowship: How One Rhode Island Initiative Is Elevating Experienced Paraprofessionals — and Creating a More Diverse Teacher Force

    The "TA to BA" fellowship is Rhode Island program is helping veteran TAs become full-time teachers while diversifying the workforce. Through the program, fellows enroll in college classes and are able to present their lengthy classroom teaching experience and turn it into a certification, which will also allow them to be better compensated for their work. Equity Unbound, which developed the fellowship, is also looking to get approval as an alternative licensure program to decrease certification barriers for Teaching Assistants.

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  • The Polarised City (1): How 2 Jos Communities Struggle To Unite After Years Of Crises

    With help from nongovernmental organizations, the people of two communities who clashed violently since 2001 found ways to coexist peacefully since 2019. Violent attacks and reprisals between the Christians of Unguwar Balakazai and Muslims of Mai Damisa claimed hundreds of lives and destroyed homes repeatedly. Elders trained by the Youth Initiative Against Violence and Human Rights Abuse told youth stories about peace in Jos in the past. Youth ambassadors trained by the Jos Stakeholders for Peace Centre met and agreed to lay down their weapons.

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  • Africa's Wikipedia Editors Are Changing How the World Sees Their Continent

    WikiAfrica Education increases information about Africa’s diverse languages, cultures, and politics from the voices and perspectives of African people. AfroCuration events enlist the help of young people to create and edit content for Wikipedia. The volunteers receive lessons on democracy and freedom movements and then use that information to create profiles of key events and history-makers. Strategic partnerships provide technical support and other resources, which have enabled hundreds of young people to produce hundreds of new entries and translate many existing entries into indigenous languages.

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  • In the wake of hate, the law is not always enough

    Hate crime laws apply to a narrow range of conduct, and often fail as a response to bias incidents that constitute hate speech but are not in themselves a crime. When high school students working on a history class project produced a video with a song treating the KKK and racist murders as a joke, the school and community responded not with prosecutions but with community dialogues to air differences of opinion about the incident. Students of color then formed a group, Project D.R.E.A.M., that expanded the conversations to the entire school, educating a mainly white community about the impact of racism.

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  • ‘Finally finding our babies': How Richardson schools are making their gifted classes more diverse

    Schools in the Richardson Independent School District of Texas are updating the methods and measurements they've used to identify gifted students. One way is by testing all second and sixth graders in the district, which helps diminish implicit bias coming from teachers who may discriminate against certain students. Students' scores are also being judged differently by comparing them against others from similar backgrounds, from within their own school, and nationally.

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  • Teen invents playing cards that are gender-equal -- and diverse

    16-year-old Maayan Segal and her father launched Queeng, a deck of cards that represents gender equality and includes a range of racial and cultural identities. The first iteration sold over 50,000 decks but was re-designed after critics cited the lack of racial diversity. The hand-drawn cards include a range of skin tones and facial features, and king cards are replaced by male and female “Monarch” cards, "Dutchess" or "Duke" cards replace queen cards, and "Prince" or "Princess" cards replace jack cards. There are also female jokers. Five days after its release, Queeng 2.0 already sold over 4,000 decks.

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