Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Two Best Friends Beat Amazon

    Workers at an Amazon warehouse on Staten Island voted to unionize after two years of organizing by the independent Amazon Labor Union. The union was started by a worker who was fired from the warehouse after protesting unsafe conditions during the COVID-19, and a current employee. The union raised funds through GoFundMe to carry out innovative organizing tactics, like making TikTok videos and bringing free food from diverse cultural backgrounds to feed workers coming and going from their around the clock shifts.

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  • Shiny new ballots: Record number of states eyeing ranked-choice voting

    More states and cities are adopting ranked-choice voting system, which are said to be friendlier and more inclusive. In a ranked-choice system, voters rank multiple candidates in order of preference and a winner must get over 50% of the votes. This often occurs by being a voter’s second choice, so many argue there is less political vitriol since, rather than ignoring voters committed to other candidates, politicians must appeal to them as at least their second choice. Data in the six California cities that use the system show slight increases in the number of women and people of color running for office.

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  • These rural organizers have found an answer to dog whistle politics: Multi-racial, working-class solidarity

    Organizers with Down Home North Carolina use deep canvassing, a door-knocking strategy based on active listening and in-depth, nonjudgmental conversation, to spark political discussions with voters who are often left out of the democratic process. Canvassers are trained to center issues of race and class to build solidarity across demographics and recorded high levels of support from voters in 82% of conversations surveyed between November 2021 and January 2022.

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  • The Stop Asian Hate movement is at a crossroads

    The Stop AAPI Hate movement has increased the public’s awareness of the increase in hate crimes and prejudice as a result of COVID-19. The movement collects incident reports and uses the data to advocate for change. In addition to increasing awareness by ensuring that hate crimes did not go unnoticed, more people have participated in protests and become engaged with organizations working to stop anti-Asian racism. The movement has also fueled some policy wins, such as Congress’ approval of the Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act.

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  • The Human Library connects people by tackling stigma and isolation

    Library patrons are being encouraged to have dialogues and explore diversity through The Human Library. People from various backgrounds are “on loan” to chat for 30 minutes at a time, which can lead to conversations with people who may not have ever met under any other circumstances. The aim of the project is to improve a sense of community and even to “address global challenges.”

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  • “Meet a Jew,” Germany's New Scheme to Convince the Country That Jews Are People

    Through the "Meet a Jew" program launched by the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Jewish volunteers visit schools, universities, sports clubs, and religious centers to share their stories with non-Jewish Germans and combat growing antisemitism. The initiative held 540 sessions in 2021 to facilitate conversations about what it means to be Jewish and how Jews fit into German society.

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  • Can 'the people' solve climate change? France decided to find out.

    In order to cut carbon emissions in France, President Emmanuel Macron created an assembly of 150 randomly selected citizens. The citizens "convention on climate" met and deliberated for months before releasing 149 proposals on how the government should address climate change. Although only 10 made it into law without being altered, and 36 others were included form, the final legislation was one of the most comprehensive passed in the history of the country. The recommendations also garnered conversations and inspired the creation of other assemblies.

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  • Another Challenge for Conservation Efforts: Gender Inequity

    In the environmental sector there is still rampant sexism, women find it difficult to enter leadership positions and face discrimination, according to a six-author study. However, the study also shows that when women are in leadership positions factors that indicate success go up. Women are more likely to say yes to new conservation projects and are more willing to compromise. Case studies from the Maite Marine Sanctuary to the Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation show that women in leadership positions are succesful.

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  • Exploring race and diversity beyond the classroom

    The Racial Unity Team partnered with Exeter High to launch Arts in Action: Spoken Word and Song Writing for Social Change, a project that got students thinking about issues of diversity and justice by connecting them with virtual artists-in-residence. The partnership allowed teachers to present their curriculum in a new way, integrating diverse voices and perspectives.

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  • The library where the books are people

    The Human Library hosts one-on-one conversations between people who have faced prejudice (they're the "books" that get borrowed) and "readers" who yearn to ask awkward questions that they've never been comfortable asking. "Books" tell about being transgender, an immigrant, polyamorous, a wheelchair user, a former gang member, and more. The events spread to dozens of countries, funded by corporations that hire The Human Library to help their employees learn about diversity in its many forms. Both the "readers" and the "books" can experience deep connections in only a half-hour encounter.

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