Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pradėjus socialinį projektą, kaime nebeliko bedarbių – darbas pas žmones atvažiuoja pats

    Ukmergės rajono Tulpiakiemio kaime beveik nebeliko bedarbių, sumažėjo ir socialinės rizikos šeimų. Tai pavyko pasiekti per pastaruosius trejus metus, kai kaimelyje pradėjo veikti "Užimtumo namai", vadovaujami socialinės darbuotojos. Jos komanda aktyviai ieško rankinio nekvalifikuoto darbo poreikio rinkoje ir pasirūpina, kad darbas pas žmones atvažiuotų pats ir nereikėtų niekur vykti.

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  • Community Sensitization Keeping Yellow Fever at Bay in Uganda

    In response to an outbreak of yellow fever, the Ugandan government launched an awareness campaign through media, door-to-door outreach, drama performances, and community health workers. The country also introduced a free vaccination program for babies between nine and twelve months old, which distributed vaccines to about 150 babies in one state within its first several weeks.

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  • Election security a success, but more improvements needed, experts say

    To bolster the security of the 2022 midterm election, officials released frequent alerts and updates about disinformation, cyber threats, and potential physical threats to election workers. A special task force investigated threats against election officials and brought forward four federal cases and several state prosecutions related to the incidents.

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  • Kelp Farming Is Reviving an Ancient Practice -- and a Modern Economy

    A kelp hatchery run by residents of the Shinnecock Reservation in New York is creating jobs and cleaning up the bay because the seaweed soaks up carbon and pollutants.

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  • Livestock insurance Keeping Livestock Farmers Afloat in Rwanda after Rift Valley Fever

    Rwanda has a unique program that allows farmers to insure their livestock, such as dairy cows, productive pork, and chickens, against Rift Valley Fever. When animals die of the disease, farmers are compensated at a rate of 5.5 percent of the animal's value.

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  • How investments in Black businesses can help close KC's racial wealth gap

    Generating Income For Tomorrow, or GIFT, works to foster economic prosperity and wealth in Kansas City’s Black community by providing grants to Black-owned businesses. Since its launch, GIFT has distributed $687,000 to 42 Black businesses and GIFT recipients have so far created more than 60 new jobs.

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  • What if gun owners had to pass a test? Czech Republic offers an answer.

    In the Czech Republic, people pursuing gun ownership must pass a health clearance, a background check, and a 40-minute, 30-question exam. If they get that far, potential gun owners must then prove they can handle and shoot a weapon safely and accurately. As a result, the country hasn’t had a mass shooting since 2019 and had seven gun-related homicides last year.

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  • Kenyans turn to tradition to fight rising heat

    Kenyans are trading iron for grass, palm fronds, and water reeds to build roofs that keep their homes cooler during extreme heat waves.

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  • Home decor business built out of water hyacinth

    MitiMeth trains Nigerians to harvest the invasive hyacinth seaweed and weave it into products like baskets and furniture. The business helps clean up waterways while securing consistent incomes for local residents.

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  • One crop uses more than half of Utah's water. Here's why.

    Farmers in Utah cultivate alfalfa to improve soil health and reduce their carbon emissions. Their profits help sustain rural towns’ economies.

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