Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Healing a Dark Past: The Long Road to Reopening Hospitals in the Rural South

    As rural hospitals in predominantly Black neighborhoods close, groups and community members are joining forces to ensure residents can still access care by reopening a full-service hospital. Rural Emergency Hospital models remove in-patient beds but keep emergency departments active to receive federal support. About 29 rural hospitals have converted to rural emergency hospitals to ensure residents can still access care.

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  • Why Opening Grocery Stores Alone Doesn't Solve Food Deserts

    Programs such as the Healthy Food Financing Initiative provide government funding to help build grocery stores in areas with little access to fresh food, with the goal of addressing “food deserts” and bolstering local economies. However, due in part to a lack of enforcement of fair competition regulations, small, independent grocery stores struggle to offer competitive pricing compared to big-box stores, and nearly half of stores that received funding from the initiative in 2020 and 2021 have either closed or have yet to open at all.

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  • Solving Homelessness In Austin: Rapid Rehousing

    The Rapid Rehousing Program in Austin, Texas, provides people exiting homelessness with rent support for up to two years, tapering the amount down over time. A community group called Vocal-TX is bringing people in the program together to elevate their voices and propose improvements.

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  • #HungerProtest: Soaring Food Cost Is Restricting Community-Led Meal Clubs In Kano

    Women in resource-challenged households in Kano, Nigeria, are turning to a communal tradition rooted in Hausa culture to make meals that meet their families' needs. They pool their money together to buy ingredients, cook together, and equally distribute portions of the meals.

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  • When Neighbors Choose How to Spend Philanthropic Dollars

    The Kensington Community Resilience Fund supports local initiatives through participatory grant-making, a process where advisory committees made up of community members – who are deeply familiar with their community’s needs – help decide which organizations should receive a share of the funding. Since 2020, KCR has awarded $760,000 in grants to neighborhood programs.

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  • Boosting access: BHP expands mental health services in Knox, Licking counties

    The Care Now Clinic, established by Behavioral Healthcare Partners of Central Ohio, offers early crisis intervention services for those ages 12 and up, helping bridge the care gap between emergency rooms and waiting to see a physician. The group also recently launched a mobile crisis unit to even further expand access to care. Research shows these models cost less, reduce emergency room visits and make handling chronic conditions more manageable.

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  • Chicago's "People's Cooling Army" Is Giving Tenants Free Air Conditioners

    A group of volunteers in Chicago called the People’s Cooling Army repairs air conditioning units and installs them for free for low-income tenants, as the city continues to experience extreme heat.

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  • How Ecotourism Became an Unexpected Climate Solution in an At-Risk Guatemalan National Park

    The community living in Northern Guatemala’s Sierra del Lacandón National Park monitors the landscape for fires set by people looking to clear the forest illegally and is trained to prevent them from spreading. They’re focusing on ecotourism as an alternative way to earn a living.

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  • Four Decades to Build 70,000 Affordable Homes? Count That as a Success.

    In 1975, community members organized to urge the New Jersey state government to require cities to build their fair share of affordable multifamily housing. Dubbed “The Mount Laurel Doctrine,” the legislation, backed by local advocacy groups, has helped build 20,000 affordable housing units.

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  • Swim program aims to keep kids safe in the water, and becomes a national model

    Community groups like Swim For Charlie and Learn to Swim are teaching local youth to swim in an effort to promote water safety and combat high rates of drownings, particularly within low-income and minority communities. Since forming in 2020, Swim For Charlie has taught more than 2,100 second graders how to swim, while Learn to Swim served about 3,000 students across 48 schools just last year.

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