Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Tigray war rape victims turn to Rwandan genocide survivors to heal trauma

    Groups of women, in collaboration with local charity organization Daughters of Charity, are working together to create HAL (helpful active listening) circles to help survivors of sexual and gender-based violence heal. HAL circles are women-to-women groups led by those trained in supportive communication skills, the effects of trauma on the mind and body and healthy coping methods. Over the past several years, the group has connected with 1,320 survivors.

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  • Black women lean into leadership program to build power and sisterhood

    The Power, Innovation and Leadership executive education program brings Black women together to train them to become strong leaders, spearheading causes around issues like reducing poverty, advocating for reproductive justice and protecting voting rights. 25 women have graduated from the program already, and the next cohort is set to start in January, as they work toward their goal of training 100 Black women leaders.

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  • Solar Power Brings Water to Thirsty Nigerian Community

    Community members, in collaboration with the non-profit Save the Children and the United States Agency for International Development, installed a solar-powered borehole earlier this year, making clean water more accessible to the village. Community members regularly clean the water taps and perform system maintenance to ensure the water supply isn’t disrupted, as the solar-powered solution has become their primary source of clean water.

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  • How Asheville residents survive without running water, weeks after Helene

    In response to Hurricane Helene, volunteer group Flush AVL addressed the growing health issue of water shortages by distributing non-potable water to those in need for flushing toilets and maintaining hygiene. Volunteers used QR codes on the water containers to track refills, while an online map helped coordinate deliveries. Additionally, another group, Planet Water, installed AquaBlocks, devices that filter water from local sources to support up to 6,000 people daily, to further address the water shortage issue.

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  • Look for the Helpers: Organizing Relief Aid in Asheville, NC, After "Apocalyptic" Hurricane Helene

    Community volunteers, churches like the Mother Grove Goddess Temple and organizations like BeLoved Asheville are ramping up to provide relief to those in need in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, providing everything from gas cans to camping supplies to winter gear and first aid supplies.

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  • Fighting Water Scarcity and Disease: Kenya's Sand Dam Revolution

    Amidst water scarcity and increased waterborne diseases, community members are using sand dams, an innovative water management system, to conserve rainwater for daily use. Sand dams offer extended water storage capabilities, lasting up to a year, ensuring community members have consistent access to clean water for farming, cooking and general hygiene. There are currently six sand dams in the community serving 600 households.

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  • With no running water, Asheville finds other ways to flush thousands of toilets

    Volunteers with BeLoved Asheville are bringing Asheville residents water so they can flush toilets, wash their hands and shower amid the water scarcity caused by Hurricane Helene. These improvised distribution systems have become crucial to ensure residents can maintain their hygiene and prevent illness until their normal water access is restored.

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  • Keeping health operations going in a disaster. Western NC hospitals two weeks after Helene.

    In the aftermath of Hurrican Helene, hospitals in Western North Carolina are working to keep healthcare services operational with methods like staff adjustments, backup power systems, coordination with local emergency services and creating disaster preparedness plans. These efforts have allowed the hospitals to stay open during the storms and continue providing care to those who need it.

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  • In Appalachia, Helene's Water Crisis Taps a Global Christian Response

    Water Mission is helping ensure Western North Carolina residents have access to safe water following Hurricane Helene. The group installed four of its proprietary mobile water treatment systems which produce 15,000 liters of clean water a day. The group has also distributed and gassed 400 generators for people to power their wells.

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  • The Muslim Sisters Aiding Widows Through Tough Times

    The Pious Muslim Women group helps widowed women navigate tough times with its various programs, such as providing access to food, monthly allowances, child care and other necessary resources. So far, the group has helped more than 3,500 women.

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