Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Farmers Markets Can Be a Form of Climate Action. Here's How

    Farmers markets, supported by federal, state, and private food assistance programs, are helping to bridge gaps left by disparate food access by offering a direct distribution model.

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  • Fighting food insecurity with cooking classes

    Wimberly’s Roots, a community garden and kitchen located in one of Georgia's food deserts, has increased access to healthy food through their monthly cooking lessons and partnership with the Boys and Girls Club.

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  • A Black-Led Agricultural Community Takes Shape in Maryland

    Alternative farm finance organizations offer flexible, personalized financing plans for small, regenerative farms in the United States that might not otherwise have access to financing.

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  • Building Food Sovereignty in San Francisco and Detroit

    The Black Community Food Sovereignty Network and the Native Foodways Program strengthen community connections to food, not only enhancing access, but also restoring culturally significant relationships with the Earth, supporting local economies, and healing historical traumas.

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  • The Denver Nonprofit Tackling Food Waste and Hunger at Once

    We Don’t Waste serves more than 100 hunger relief organizations across the city and has saved and redistributed 220 million servings of food to date. The team of staff and volunteers who recover and distribute food to the community has not only helped prevent food waste, but also greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental consequences, all while feeding locals in need.

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  • Restoring a Cornerstone of the Local Grain Economy

    A new generation of entrepreneurs is reestablishing local grain mills across the United States, drawing on historic processes to bring back a system that benefits local economics while providing fresher, more nutrient-dense flour. The group, the Craft Millers Guild, meets virtually to share advice, learn from experts, and advocate for change.

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  • Campus Food Recovery Network Serves Local Community

    Pepperdine University’s Food Recovery Network club rescues unconsumed food from events on campus and a local Starbucks and gives it to nonprofits in the area that distribute it to those in need. Since forming in the Fall 2016 semester, the club has rescued 14,603 pounds of food that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill.

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  • Campus food forest fosters community, offers number of opportunities through regenerative agriculture

    A food forest uses a stack system in which all plants serve more than one purpose. At St. Edwards, the food forest is still young, but provides organic and locally produced food available for the entire community.

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  • Waste not, want not: FoodCommune rescues food from landfills to help feed the community

    FoodCommune aims to reduce food waste by rescuing food before it ends up in landfills, redistributing about 6,000 pounds of food per week. FoodCommune gathers food from farmer’s markets, grocery stores, restaurants and other sources, redistributing enough to feed about 300 people each week.

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  • Why Opening Grocery Stores Alone Doesn't Solve Food Deserts

    Programs such as the Healthy Food Financing Initiative provide government funding to help build grocery stores in areas with little access to fresh food, with the goal of addressing “food deserts” and bolstering local economies. However, due in part to a lack of enforcement of fair competition regulations, small, independent grocery stores struggle to offer competitive pricing compared to big-box stores, and nearly half of stores that received funding from the initiative in 2020 and 2021 have either closed or have yet to open at all.

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