Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Cut Methane Emissions and Diversify Maine's Coastal Economy, but Can It Scale?

    Seaweed is emerging as a solution to Maine's shifting climate and economy, providing alternative industries for ocean farmers and also supporting land farmers' climate initiatives. While still in piloting stages, studies have shown up to 50 percent reductions in methane on New England cow farms that incorporate seaweed into feed.

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  • Ideas We Should Steal: Divest Fossil Fuels From City Pensions

    Following the success of New York City's divestment of pension funds from fossil fuels, a process that started in 2015, other cities around the US are exploring ways to achieve net-zero portfolio emissions. In most cases, the divested pension funds have performed at least as well financially as a city’s non-divested funds.

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  • How 'Superblocks' Can Create People-Centered Cities

    Superblocks are areas in congested cities where traffic has been rerouted to prioritize people. Outfitted with green spaces and communal areas to connect, superblocks help reduce air and noise pollution. Residents living in the area report a higher quality of life and increased social interaction with their neighbors. The idea of superblocks has traveled around the world to cities like Vienna, Berlin, Buenos Aires, and Los Angeles.

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  • WA tribes crucial to salmon recovery, conservation throughout decades of work with state

    Widespread involvement of numerous relevant government bodies at the tribal, city, state and federal level has led to a number of conservation wins in the Pacific Northwest, reflecting the huge influence tribes in the state have had on how environmental issues and conservation work are framed and executed.

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  • How mock beaver dams could help restore Wisconsin wetlands

    Several projects in the U.S. are proving beaver-inspired structures could limit flooding and benefit wildlife habitat, but state permitting is arduous.

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  • How an Unlikely Coalition of Climate Activists and a Gas Utility Are Weaning a Boston Suburb Off Fossil Fuels

    In Boston, climate activists with HEET, a nonprofit that develops neighborhood-scale geothermal systems, worked closely with gas utility executives to find a solution to gas leaks and transition to cleaner energy sources. Making the case for switching to geothermal energy comes with its challenges, but their collaboration and advocacy led to the signing of legislation allowing gas utilities to provide geothermal heating and cooling as an alternative to gas throughout their service areas.

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  • This Outer Banks Resort Centered the Environment From the Start, and It Paid Off

    Due to its sustainable design, the Corolla Light Resort has seen far less seawater intrusion and damage to properties compared to other Outer Banks resorts, plus much healthier dune structures. With 450 privately owned and managed homes, over half of which are dedicated to vacationon rentals, coordinated limited development has led to some of the tallest dunes on the island and minimal erosion.

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  • As climate focus shifts to states, East Coast partnership offers model for multi-state collaboration

    The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, currently joined by 11 U.S. states on the East Coast, is a cap-and-invest system for power generation. States put a limit on the carbon emissions power plants can produce, then each plant buys allowances for every ton of carbon dioxide they produce up to the cap. The proceeds go towards initiatives that reduce emissions and make energy more affordable.

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  • Resilience in the Sundarbans: How Shrimp Farming is Helping Communities Adapt to Climate Change

    Communities in the Sundarbans have adopted shrimp farming as a sustainable livelihood strategy; the approach has proven successful, with environmental benefits and many farmers earning a good income.

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  • Are high efficiency stoves the solution to Keene's wood smoke pollution?

    In New England, government incentives and education are supporting and encouraging residents to swap their wood-burning stoves for high-efficiency models that burn less wood and emit less smoke. The aim is to reduce air pollution and its public health and climate impacts.

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