Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • After historic floods, the safety net failed small farmers

    Two-thirds of California’s farms are considered small, cultivating less than 50 acres, and they play a critical role in food security and climate resilience for the whole country. As climate change makes extreme weather more unpredictable, these farms have to rely on government disaster relief and crop insurance to get back on their feet.

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  • 'Composting Our Emotions': How Climate Action Cultivates Well-Being

    Several groups are emerging to help youth cope with eco-anxiety and the mental health effects caused by climate change. Groups like the Bay Area Youth Climate Summit educate and facilitate conversations about climate change with young people, helping them build a sense of community with others who share their concerns. Research shows those who participate in climate work and have a social support system have reduced feelings of eco-anxiety and depression linked to climate change.

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  • As Climate Change Intensifies Wildfire Risk, Prescribed Burns Prove Their Worth in the Heat-Stressed Plains of the Texas Panhandle

    Private landowners in Borger, Texas, are hiring certified burn managers to do prescribed burns on their land that remove excess vegetation and help prevent wildfires. The landowners are legally liable for any issues that may arise and front the initial cost, but they can be reimbursed by the Texas A&M Forest Service, which is working to encourage adoption of the practice.

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  • 'You are not alone': In community, young people find antidotes to climate anxiety

    To help young adults cope with climate anxiety, groups like Eco-Warriors are emerging at universities and within communities for like-minded individuals to gather and share their concerns and stresses related to climate change. At Loyola University Chicago, Eco-Warriors specifically has reached 30 students, touting a small-group feel where everyone is comfortable sharing their feelings and seeking solace in each other.

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  • Getting off fossil fuels is hard, but this city is doing it — building by building

    The town of Ithaca is working with its local gas utility and area homeowners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by removing gas pipes from homes and businesses by switching them over to electricity, primarily from renewable sources. While the transition is a long process, the town expects to achieve about a 30% reduction in emissions in the next year.

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  • Emprenden soluciones no gubernamentales para mitigar la erosión costera

    Para proteger y restaurar las barreras naturales, el Gobierno de Puerto Rico ha aprobado legislación, asignado fondos y desarrollado programas para apoyar manglares, arrecifes de coral y dunas.

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  • For climate and cohesion, a solution lies in the school commute

    The Open Streets program encourages students to walk and bike to school in an effort to get people out of their cars. Opting for a form of “active transport,” like walking and biking, helps get people moving, offers more social connection and is better for the environment.

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  • A Model for Disability Justice in Emergency Shelters

    The Alliance Center for Independence (ACI) started working with people who have disabilities to create better disaster preparedness measures that consider disabilities, ensuring support and shelter are accessible to anyone and everyone. ACI held an overnight shelter simulation exercise that allowed them to practice each step of an emergency shelter response with people who have disabilities to identify any areas that could be improved. These simulations have become a model for other counties across the state, inspiring more shelters to make improvements to their accessibility.

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  • How Africa's first heat officer is protecting women in Sierra Leone

    Heat officers appointed by local city council and the Transform Freetown initiative work to make the city greener and more livable by helping residents cope with extreme heat, particularly women working as outdoor vendors. Local heat officers have introduced measures like installing cool pavements, mirrored roofing and planting trees to keep residents cool. In 2022, local city council installed shade covers to protect 2,300 street vendors from the heat and heavy rain in open-air markets.

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  • The zero-waste city: what Kiel in Germany can teach the world

    Germany is a world leader in recycling, specifically in the city of Kiel, which was recently declared a “zero waste” city. The city achieved this status through a series of eco-friendly initiatives, aimed at increasing recycling and reducing waste, from bans on single-use items to bottle buyback programs to simply encouraging locals to make more environmentally-friendly behavior changes.

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