Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Transforming the Delta

    The Next California project, a collaboration between AgLaunch and WWF, is helping transform the Mississippi Delta into a sustainable and prosperous agricultural economy. Working with local farmers across Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi, the organizations are helping agricultural operations incubate projects, diversify assets, and grow distribution networks.

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  • Southern Black Farmers Sow Rice and Reconciliation

    Jubilee Justice, a nonprofit helping small-holder Black farmers in the South grow specialty rice with a “dry-land” method developed in the 1970s and 1980s (rather than growing rice in flooded paddies, farmers treat rice like a vegetable, irrigating it as needed), now supports 10 farmers from Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Kentucky; together, they have lowered the global warming potential of their rice production by 25 percent on average.

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  • Could pilot programs bringing heat to low-income residents in Denver, NY work in Dallas?

    Pilot projects in New York City and Denver have successfully installed electric heat pumps in a variety of tenant spaces, citing ease of installation, attractive aesthetics, and energy and financial savings as boons for both tenants and the environment. In New York, heat pump units achieved an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and an estimated 50% reduction in fuel costs compared to traditional central steam heating systems.

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  • How the Navajo Nation is using mutual aid to connect families to the electric grid

    Mutual aid program Light Up Navajo is helping families get connected to the power grid through volunteer workers and private and federal funding. Over the past five years, crews have built miles of powerlines across the reservation, powering nearly 850 households, many of whom are receiving power for the first time.

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  • Fertiliser: Women embrace sustainable alternative for food security, soil preservation

    In 2020, Nigeria's Centre for Community Empowerment and Poverty Eradication (CCEPE) and Small Scale Women Farmers Organisation of Nigeria (SWOFON) began to train women farmers on the use of dung and plant wastes as organic fertiliser and pesticides; to date, CCEPE has trained 40 women farmers in Asa and 20 women farmers in Kaima, resulting in more bountiful harvests and economic savings.

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  • A Little-Known Federal Program Is Keeping Senior Housing Affordable in Denver

    The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development offers funding for affordable housing properties to retrofit their buildings to be more resilient to climate change and improve resident’s quality of life. The funding ensures the properties remain as affordable housing because these upgrades typically reduce bills and because property owners must agree to keep rent affordable for 25 years.

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  • Texas Trees launches a five-year plan to make South Dallas more green

    The Texas Trees Foundation is bringing thousands of trees to Dallas communities experiencing the worst of the urban heat island effect to help keep them cool. The organization supplies the trees and teaches residents how to care for them.

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  • Resilience in the Sundarbans: How Shrimp Farming is Helping Communities Adapt to Climate Change

    Communities in the Sundarbans have adopted shrimp farming as a sustainable livelihood strategy; the approach has proven successful, with environmental benefits and many farmers earning a good income.

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  • How Keene's community air monitoring project could be a national climate solution

    A professor at Keene State College, her students, and community volunteers installed affordable, commercial air monitors throughout the New Hampshire town to fill gaps in available data. The monitors help them track air quality in real time and alert the public when pollution levels rise.

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  • Una red de jardines nativos florece en Miami y rescata especies en peligro

    Native Plant Network, una iniciativa de educación y conservación, ha creado un sistema de entrega de cinco plantas nativas gratuitas a cada persona en el red, ayudando la creación de un corredor de plantas nativas en Miami.

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