Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Barrages anti-érosion : au Sénégal «on a même vu de l'herbe repousser»

    L’île de Diogué est le site pilote du système d’épis ­Maltais-Savard, qui installe des barrages avec des matériaux naturels, comme des troncs d’eucalyptus et des feuilles de palmier, pour lutter contre l’érosion. La méthode a permis de récupérer plusieurs mètres de plage.

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  • Un programa que ayuda a padres latinos a navegar el sistema educativo de Arizona como líderes y defensores de sus hijos

    Padres están recibiendo atención y apoyo especializados gracias al “Parent Educator Academy,” un programa de All In Education, que ayuda a los padres latinos en Arizona a navegar por un sistema educativo complejo y defender a sus hijos en la escuela. El programa se encuentra ahora en su quinta cohorte y ha atendido a padres de más de 30 escuelas en tres condados.

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  • Por qué las líderes comunitarias son un actor clave para promover los derechos del grupo étnico más perseguido del mundo

    En los campos de refugiados en Nueva Dehli, el trabajo de las mujeres en coordinación con agencias de ayuda humanitaria resulta efectivo para mejorar la inclusión escolar de las niñas rohinyás, combatir el matrimonio infantil y mejorar las condiciones de salud.

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  • Being a new teacher is hard. Having a good mentor can help

    The Alaska Statewide Mentor Project connects new classroom teachers with retired educators who provide mentorship around lesson planning, grading, classroom management, and other challenges they face early in their careers. Research shows that new teachers who receive high-quality mentorship are more likely to stay in the field.

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  • What happens when an anthill is destroyed?: hotel in Transcarpathia provides home for displaced people

    An organization called Ukrainian Ants rents out a hotel in Transcarpathia for people who are displaced due to the war. During their stay, they help the organization with various tasks and are given food and necessary household items.

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  • Portland group works to make wealth redistribution a reality through real estate

    Volunteers of the PDX Housing Solidarity Project are working to redistribute generational wealth through homeownership in Portland. The project connects people with ample resources to Black and Indigenous homebuyers and helps facilitate cash gifts, no-interest loans, or other ways to assist throughout the process.

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  • How one northeast Pa. county runs drama-free elections with just 2 people on its election staff

    To make sure its elections run smoothly, the tiny election staff in one Pennsylvania county coordinates helpers from across the county government's departments, who process mail-in ballots while full-time staff oversee in-person voting. The office also invites the public to observe the election process and weigh in on important decisions, such as what type of voting machines are used.

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  • Si los libros hablan de Costa Rica, ¿la niñez leerá más?

    The Fundación Cámara Mágica works to create culturally relevant books for children to promote reading. By partnering with local writers and illustrators, the group creates stories rich in culture and diversity for youth to relate to, encouraging them to read more. Since 2020, the foundation has delivered more than 4,000 books to different communities throughout the country.

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  • Trafficking Victims Get Help Where It's Needed Most

    The L’Chaim initiative consists of a group of volunteers who visit women working in prostitution to build relationships to help these women prevent sex trafficking and to help victims find a way out. During visits, volunteers educate women on their rights, raise awareness of sex trafficking, and help them understand they may be victims and then connect them with appropriate resources, serving as a liaison between “victims” and “rescuers.”

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  • Justice at the Tap

    In response to the water crisis, grassroots organizers and community members are stepping up to provide aid and fill the gaps left by government authorities. Organizations like Flint Rising and DigDeep collect and donate bottled water and send volunteers door-to-door to ensure residents have access to clean drinking water. There is also the Navajo Water Project, which installs home water systems in those without access to running water or sewer lines, providing 1,200 gallons of water to homes in need, as well as jobs for members of the Navajo Nation.

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