Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From a WhatsApp platform to physical sessions, this Nigerian initiative is helping women affected by conflict navigate their trauma

    FeelNHeal is a safe space where women who were displaced due to conflict can prioritize their mental health. The Nigerian initiative helps young girls and women heal using outreach, education, connections with professional therapists, and group sessions that include art and games.

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  • About 50 Chicago High School Students Earned Associate Degrees. CPS Wants To Boost That Number

    Through Chicago's early college high schools, which allow students to take college-level coursework while still working toward their diploma, about 600 students graduated this spring with at least 15 college credits, while 50 students earned a full associate's degree.

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  • How El Paso Is Fighting Back Against Book Bans In Texas

    In an effort against book bans, the city council of El Paso, Texas, unanimously passed a resolution that mandates every public library in the city to include a section of banned books featuring the stories of historically marginalized people.

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  • A Powerful Climate Solution Just Below the Ocean's Surface

    A project at the Volgenau Virginia Coast Reserve has restored 10,000 acres of seagrass meadow. For two decades, scientists and volunteers have worked together to collect, process, and plant seeds to grow the carbon-storing underwater plants.

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  • "Not everyone needs a psychologist, but everyone should know how to help themselves and others:" Kyiv Resilience Center teaches how to cope with trauma

    The Stress Resilience Center provides critical workers — like doctors and law enforcement — opportunities to learn psychological self-help skills. The goal is to equip the public with psychological wellness skills to prevent the number of people who need to seek psychological help from getting too high. Amidst the war, the Center also provides individual and family therapy for those experiencing loss, burnout and those with loved ones in the military.

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  • Slow but steady progress on removing offensive place names in Oregon

    The U.S. Board of Geographic Names and the Oregon Geographic Names Board are changing offensive and racist geographic place names in the state. When looking to change a name, the boards reach out to community members and experts for recommendations. They also review new name proposals that locals submit for both unnamed and named locations.

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  • Affordable and Accessible Health Care Remains an Issue in Nigeria, but Atayase Initiative Devises a Means, Helping the Underserved Age Groups

    The Atayese initiative makes healthcare services more affordable and accessible for underserved age groups including young children, pregnant women and elderly people. The initiative launched in 2013 and runs clinics and hospital services in several states and communities where they’ve provided treatment to hundreds — in some areas, thousands — of patients.

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  • How success coaches anticipate and tackle college students' challenges

    Dallas College’s success coaches provide more hands-on advising for students, helping them not only navigate their coursework and degree trajectory but also connect with resources such as help with transportation and food aid. The college has nearly 240 success coaches serving more than 64,500 students.

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  • Vote like Voters in Minneapolis

    For its mayoral elections, Minneapolis uses ranked-choice voting, a process that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference rather than choosing just one. The system, along with the state's culture of civic engagement and its ease of voting, is believed to have contributed to record-high turnout during the 2021 election, when more than half of registered voters in the city cast a ballot.

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  • Sacramento outperforms other major cities in affordable housing production but misses state quota

    Sacramento, California, is increasing the number of affordable housing units built in the city by implementing deed restrictions that limit prices and require occupancy by low-income residents, providing free permit-ready building plans for accessory dwelling units, and prioritizing quick approvals by the city government.

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