Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • CRoWN Initiative: Enhancing Immunization Uptake for Zero-Dose Children in Bauchi State

    The Community Reorientation Women Network (CRoWN) initiative is working to increase immunization rates among children by leveraging trained community volunteers to identify zero-dose children and help connect them and their families with vaccination resources. Three months into the initiative’s pilot phase, CRoWN volunteers managed to reach 99% of identified zero-dose children, leading to increased vaccination rates among youth.

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  • In Vietnam, IKEA-style wind turbines are powering off-grid communities

    An energy startup in Vietnam called 1516 delivers micro wind turbine systems to communities and schools that do not have access to power. The setup is simple enough that community members can do it themselves, making it an even more accessible option.

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  • Muckleshoot Tribal College makes history with doctoral graduates

    The Muckleshoot Cohort is an Indigenous-led doctoral program in educational leadership that is built around Indigenous culture and knowledge. The initiative, which encourages students to reclaim their Native identities and tackle generational trauma related to the colonized education system, graduated 10 students in its inaugural class.

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  • California Wage Theft: When bosses don't pay and new laws aren't enough.

    To combat employer wage theft and chronic delays in payment remittance in state courts, Santa Clara County has leveraged businesses' food permits, threatening to revoke them if outstanding wage theft judgments are not paid. Run by the Santa Clara Office of Labor Enforcement, the program has resulted in 100% compliance.

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  • Pedir perdón y reparar el daño, objetivo de la justicia restaurativa por delito económico

    Instituciones Penitenciarias ha creado un programa de reinserción, que incorpora la justicia restaurativa para incidir en la responsabilización del delito y la reparación del perjuicio causado.

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  • The money wives in Cross River State

    The Basic Rights Counsel Initiative in Cross River State, Nigeria, teaches women who were forced into marriage and slavery as young girls the skills necessary to start their own businesses and support themselves and their children.

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  • Dignified toilets: A welcome relief for people with disabilities 

    “AGATEBE” was developed to help make it easier for the elderly and people with disabilities to access toilets. It is a portable, durable, low-cost toilet chair that is easier to use than traditional latrine pits. So far, more than 5,000 have been sold.

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  • The black market endangered this frog. Can the free market save it?

    Ivan Lozano Ortega went from running a wildlife rescue center to breeding and selling critically endangered poison dart frogs, legally. He’s trying to stop poachers from taking the few frogs remaining in the wild in Colombia by making the species readily available to collectors.

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  • When a student is shot and killed, Cleveland schools' mental health team springs into action

    People call CMSD’s Rapid Response Team when crises occur to mobilize support services to help students and staff dealing with trauma or mental health crises. The Team has more than 200 staff members, including counselors, psychologists and nurses stationed in schools, as well as partnerships with outside mental health agencies that work within the school district. The Team has provided support on 950 different occasions including students struggling with suicidal thoughts, grief counseling and reports of students experiencing physical or sexual abuse at home.

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  • At Alaska's prison farm, a different way of serving time

    Point Mackenzie Correctional Farm is a 640-acre farm, owned by the Alaska Department of Corrections, that operates as an alternative prison model. Select minimum-security inmates labor to keep the farm going throughout their sentence, producing tons of vegetable harvests (745,000 pounds of hay, nearly 5,000 pounds of tomatoes, 14,000 pounds of lettuce, 12,000 pounds of celery, 22,000 pounds of cabbage) and raising 150 cattle, 50 pigs and 300-400 chickens that produce 51,000 eggs—all of which is redistributed to other prisons and community food banks.

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