Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Norris Square organization increases community access to free internet

    Philly Community Wireless addresses the digital divide in the area by developing a community-owned, Wi-Fi mesh network. The community-owned structure means the network doesn’t rely on power lines or subscribers but instead runs on partnerships and grants, providing people with free internet access. Antennas for the network can broadcast within a 100 to 200-foot radius and there are currently 30 Wi-Fi access points throughout the city.

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  • Home-made Sanitary Ware Empowers Girls To Stay in School

    The Inspire Women, Men and Children (IWMC) youth empowerment group is teaching women and young girls how to construct reusable sanitary pads in an effort to address period poverty and prevent them from missing school and work during menstruation. The group follows up with students to ensure they’ve properly constructed pads with safe materials and also further educates teachers on how to provide support to students who menstruate.

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  • 'Go to the people': Street medicine teams bring health care to the unhoused

    Street medicine teams bring medical care direct to people experiencing homelessness in encampments across the state. There are currently 25 teams operating in the state, providing medical care, food, hygiene products, empathy and support to those in need. Street medicine teams provide both emergency and routine primary care, establishing relationships and building trust with the patients they serve.

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  • Mental Health Respite Facilities Are Filling Care Gaps in Over a Dozen States

    Rhonda’s House is a respite program that provides a nurturing living environment for people experiencing mental health crises that don’t require immediate medical attention. Trained professionals at respites care for patients, making it so they don’t have to visit ERs or psychiatric institutions. There are 42 community-based respite programs across 14 states and Rhonda’s House specifically has cared for 392 people over the past five years. Those who seek respite have seen positive effects like reduced hospitalizations.

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  • Larchmere Homes: 30 new affordable lease-purchase homes near completion

    The CHN Housing Partners’ lease-purchase program builds affordable homes for low-income individuals to rent. Residents live and pay rent in the homes for 15 years while taking homeownership and financial counseling courses to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to become homeowners. Over the past 30 years, CHN has built more than 1,700 lease-purchase homes and more than 1,600 of them have been sold to owner-occupants.

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  • An Urban Oasis

    The First Nations Garden, run by the Chi-Nations Youth Council, is a gathering space for the area’s 65,000 Native people, providing them with a garden and a highly-requested green space that hosts regular events and provides cultural resources and education while fostering community.

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  • Everyone's tired of homelessness in California. Are you willing to rent your extra room to help?

    The Homecoming Project helps provide housing for formerly incarcerated people by matching those in need with homeowners offering spare bedrooms. Since starting in 2018, The Homecoming Project has placed nearly 100 people in host homes and has helped those individuals connect with employment and long-term housing.

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  • Oregon Wants to Register Medicaid Recipients to Vote. Will Biden Officials Allow It?

    Oregon was the first state to implement automatic voter registration, which allows government agencies such as the DMV to share residents’ information with election officials. Roughly 94 percent of eligible residents are now registered to vote, and the state hopes to expand its approach to Medicaid recipients, but federal regulations may complicate that process.

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  • India's Community Radio Brings Its Villages Crackling to Life

    The Mann Deshi Tarang Vahini community radio station aims to educate and broadcast important information, like weather alerts and COVID-19 resources, to rural areas in the country where access to information is often lacking. Listenership varies by region, but in some areas the radio station has over 100,000 listeners across more than 100 villages.

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  • The safe space for Nigerian girls facing period poverty

    Brencare Foundation’s Safe Space Project meets once a week within local schools to provide menstrual health, hygiene, sexual and gender-based violence education to girls in need. So far, the Foundation has reached about 5,000 women and girls across several communities with its education efforts.

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