Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How one CT business began providing free housing to workers

    Due to a state-wide housing shortage, the Friends Center for Children in New Haven, Connecticut, purchased and refurbished housing units for its teachers and their families to live in for free. This bonus to teachers' salaries helps attract and retain employees, a difficult task in the industry.

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  • Reinventing a terror-free Borno State through child education

    The Future Prowess Islamic Foundation provides free education to roughly 2,000 students who have been affected by the violence of Boko Haram, including the children of Boko Haram insurgents. The organization also offers training and micro-loans to local widows to help them start their own businesses.

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  • Hire a Kick-Ass Trash Czar

    New York City’s Sanitation Commissions is cleaning up city streets with new practices and regulations curbing its trash problem. For example, she has started using data to track trash conditions across the city, she’s enforcing infractions, and she changed put-out and pick-up times.

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  • Pa. farmers dig into soil — and its ability to trap carbon — as one solution to climate change

    Farmers are acting as citizen scientists for a soil health study organized by Pennsylvania-based Pasa Sustainable Agriculture. The organization is helping farms implement sustainable agricultural practices that improve soil health and reduce carbon emissions, like composting and planting cover crops.

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  • Buffalo auto thefts have risen 135%. St. Paul's coordinated approach led to a big drop

    St. Paul’s Carjacking and Auto Theft Unit, which is supported by grant funding, is solely devoted to addressing car thefts and recovering stolen vehicles. Through collaboration with the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office and streamlined timelines for court appearances, the unit helped decrease the number of motor vehicle thefts in the city by 41 percent.

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  • Ideas We Should Steal: Sustainability Education for All Students

    New Jersey schools are working to make climate education widespread by implementing general education standards that include climate change education in every grade and subject. These new education standards have been inspiring students to brainstorm solutions to climate-related issues like reducing food waste and increasing coastal resiliency. The state has also earmarked $5 million to help local teachers attend professional development sessions to teach them how to create new climate change-focused lesson plans.

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  • Portland had the guts to find safe sites for its homeless. Does Sacramento?

    In response to managing the homeless crisis, several Safe Rest Villages have emerged throughout the city. These are small, individual units on city-owned land, separate from nearby neighborhoods. There are currently seven active Safe Rest Villages in the city and they have created 350 transitional housing opportunities for the local homeless population.

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  • A Personal Approach to Overcoming Veteran Homelessness in Detroit

    The Built For Zero program works to end homelessness by partnering with community organizations aimed at helping people experiencing homelessness — specifically veterans — access safe, affordable housing. The Detroit branch is one of the 105 cities nationwide participating in the program. Since joining in 2015, the city has reduced veteran homelessness by about 60%.

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  • How Resilience Hubs Can Help Communities Face The Heat And The Climate Emergency

    Trusted and popular community buildings across Los Angeles are being retrofitted with solar panels and batteries, so they can also function as resilience hubs during extreme heatwaves or other disasters. This way, they provide helpful resources outside of disaster protection and people are more likely to use them.

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  • Mamacítas Cibernéticas seeks to close digital gaps in Sunland Park

    A group of women known as the Mamacítas Cibernéticas are conducting outreach in Sunland Park, New Mexico, to gauge the digital literacy needs of locals — particularly older Hispanic women. They’re using that information to lobby lawmakers for computer training programs to help bridge the digital divide.

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