Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Kensington residents are using Park Friends groups to advocate for their parks. Here's how the groups work.

    Through the Park Friends Network, local volunteer groups work to preserve public spaces in their neighborhood and communicate with the city about needed repairs or improvements. More than 140 Park Friends groups have formed in Philadelphia, with many hosting events such as cleanup days, school supply giveaways, and neighborhood meet-and-greets.

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  • Why money, education and tolerance are needed in California's upcoming ban of gas blowers

    As a part of its journey to 100% clean energy, California is banning the sale of gas-powered landscaping equipment in 2024. The ban has done little to transition landscapers to electric tools. They cite the need for clients to understand that the tools might not leave a yard immaculate, better battery-powered options, and funding assistance as more helpful steps for the transition to electric.

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  • Students challenged their school board to act on sustainability — and it worked

    Students in the Salt Lake City school district advocated for their school board to pass a clean energy resolution and make sustainability renovations. It worked. Now, the district is moving forward with a $29 million dollar project aligned with those goals.

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  • What are local governments doing to eradicate microplastics?

    After a state law prevented local governments in Florida from banning single-use plastics, municipalities found innovative ways to encourage sustainable alternatives. Miami-Dade County’s Plastic Free 305 recognition program, for example, builds partnerships between businesses and environmentally conscious suppliers to aid in the transition to using more sustainable products.

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  • This California high school includes sustainability and green jobs in its curriculum

    Students in Porterville’s Climate Action Pathways for Schools program participate in paid internships that teach them how to lower their community’s carbon footprint and help prepare them for careers in the green jobs industry. Through student-led energy audits and schoolwide efficiency competitions, the program has helped the district save roughly $850,000 in energy costs over the past several years.

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  • Paris Is Undergoing a Water Revolution

    By focusing on preventing water pollution at the source, fixing leaks in the system, and public education, Paris cleaned up its water network and decreased water use by 10% over the last ten years.

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  • How a county has reached 'functional zero' for chronic homelessness

    Efforts from the local Housing, Health and Human Services Center helped make Bergen the first — and one of the few — U.S. cities that have reached functional zero for chronic homelessness. Through providing counseling services and helping those in need access care and other resources like employment, the Center has helped several people secure housing, nearly eliminating long-term homelessness for veterans and those struggling with conditions like addiction and other mental illnesses.

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  • Adriana Carillo's life's work is to find migrants lost in the desert

    SOS Búsqueda y Rescate (or SOS Search and Rescue) is a woman-led border and migrant search-and-rescue group that braves the elements — like extreme desert temperatures — to locate migrants who get lost or left behind along their journey from Mexico to the U.S. Since 2020, the volunteer group has found 60 survivors and the remains of 65 others, allowing them to offer closure for families searching for their loved ones.

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  • Planter des arbres, le risque du "greenwashing"

    L’idée des crédits carbone forestiers est que les entreprises financent des projets axés sur la conservation et la reforestation afin de compenser leurs émissions de CO2. Mais en réalité, il y a peu de preuves que ces projets ont un impact, avec moins de 10 % des initiatives examinées dans une étude qui empêchent réellement la déforestation.

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  • Jharkhand Has Highest Conviction Rate For Human Traffickers: What Is It Doing Right?

    Jharkhand, India, created an awareness campaign about the laws related to human trafficking that reached all the ranks of the police department, the judiciary, and other relevant state departments. Now, the state has the country’s highest conviction rate for human trafficking.

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