Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What will it take for Arizona's gay bars to stop overdoses?

    In an effort to combat overdoses in the LGBTQ+ community, some local spaces — like gay bars — are carrying Narcan. While not every gay bar in the area is on board with carrying Narcan, there are several individuals and local organizations working to push these venues to make a change and helping to ensure people who need it can access the potentially life-saving drug if they need it.

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  • New data tracking felony domestic violence cases in Winnebago County shows high conviction rates

    Prosecutors in Winnebago County, Illinois, are using evidence-based prosecution to increase the number of felony domestic violence cases that end in a conviction. This practice relies on physical evidence like phone and medical records instead of testimony from survivors.

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  • Will Speer Found Hope Enough to Share on Texas's Death Row

    Twenty-eight death row inmates have gone through the Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s Rehabilitation Programs Division’s Faith-Based Program. Over a year and a half, they take classes, participate in community discussions, and attend religious services that encourage a sense of purpose, help them find inner peace with God, and inspire them to make a difference in the prison.

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  • Matching programs help up-and-coming Thurston County farmers get their footing. Here's how

    In Washington, the Thurston Conservation District’s South Sound FarmLink program helps farmers connect with locals who are willing to lease their land for agricultural use. This is especially helpful for farmers who are just starting their careers and can’t afford to buy land.

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  • Genetic testing: a new tool in prescribing mental-health meds

    Some medical professionals and companies like Genemarkers are using pharmacogenomic testing (PGx) to test a patient’s genetic makeup to see how they may metabolize certain drugs. This process has been around for years but is starting to pick up speed in the mental health care scene to allow doctors to prescribe medications with greater accuracy.

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  • This new data poisoning tool lets artists fight back against generative AI

    Nightshade is a new tool designed to fight against AI companies that use artists’ work to train their models without permission. Nightshade “poisons” the training data to essentially confuse the AI model and prevent it from copying an artist’s work. The purpose of Nightshade is to return the power to artists to protect their intellectual property and prevent large AI companies like Google and Meta from taking advantage of them.

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  • Finding support as you find your authentic self: LGBTQ+ resources for youth

    Organizations like OutFront are offering safe spaces with a variety of programs and services for LGBTQ+ youth. From providing access to education and accurate information to connecting youth with LGBTQ+ mentors and providing housing for those experiencing homelessness, OutFront allows LGBTQ+ youth to form connections and community in person and online through the group’s Discord server.

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  • ‘This place wanted to be a wetland': how a farmer turned his fields into a wildlife sanctuary

    A barley farm in southern Oregon transformed 70 of its 400 acres into a wetland sanctuary after it had spent years leaking phosphorus pollution into the Upper Klamath Lake. A team of scientists and advocates collaborated with the farmer to finance and construct the new natural ecosystem, which began to yield the farmer both environmental and financial benefits after only one year.

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  • Niger girls learn about menstruation to stay in school, tackle stigma

    In Niger, an initiative challenging menstrual stigma is promoting knowledge and hygiene through community engagement and mentorship. Since 2019, the foundation has reached over 20 schools, 35 communities, more than 3,000 women and girls.

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  • Beauty Beyond The Scars

    The Y+ Beauty Pageant empowers young people living with HIV to embrace their diagnosis and advocate for others despite the stigma associated with the condition. Participants in the beauty pageant then go out into their communities to be changemakers and lead education and awareness campaigns. Since 2014, the pageant has reached over 50,000 people through its various campaigns.

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