Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Nigerian's campaign for the HPV jab is a fight against more than cancer

    To increase awareness of cervical cancer and the cancer-preventing HPV vaccine, Al-Ansar radio shares information about the disease, the vaccine and works to dispel speculation and misinformation about vaccines in general to those in underserved and hard-to-reach areas, as they’re often hardest to get vaccinated.

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  • For climate and cohesion, a solution lies in the school commute

    The Open Streets program encourages students to walk and bike to school in an effort to get people out of their cars. Opting for a form of “active transport,” like walking and biking, helps get people moving, offers more social connection and is better for the environment.

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  • Kashmir: Female coppersmiths excel at male-dominated trade

    Despite it being a historically male-dominated field, women in Kashmir are learning copper smithing to become both socially and financially independent. Women who have mastered the skill then teach it to others, allowing more and more women to not only learn a valuable skill, but to secure income to support themselves.

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  • The Black Women Who Fought for Ohio's Historic Abortion Win

    Ahead of a ballot measure to guarantee access to abortion and reproductive health care in Ohio, the Black-led Ohio Women’s Alliance spoke with more than 1.3 million young female BIPOC voters, framing the campaign as a fight for a wide range of reproductive services. Residents approved the constitutional amendment with 60 percent of female voters and 83 percent of Black voters voting in favor.

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  • Crowdsourced fact-checking fights misinformation in Taiwan

    Taiwanese fact-checking website Cofacts operates similarly to Wikipedia, allowing anyone to become an editor, respond to questions, and evaluate responses. A study comparing the platform to professional fact-checking sites found that the crowdsourced version typically responded to questions more quickly, included more information about local and regional issues, and was just as accurate.

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  • A Model for Disability Justice in Emergency Shelters

    The Alliance Center for Independence (ACI) started working with people who have disabilities to create better disaster preparedness measures that consider disabilities, ensuring support and shelter are accessible to anyone and everyone. ACI held an overnight shelter simulation exercise that allowed them to practice each step of an emergency shelter response with people who have disabilities to identify any areas that could be improved. These simulations have become a model for other counties across the state, inspiring more shelters to make improvements to their accessibility.

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  • Caregivers are struggling. Virtual support may help.

    Trualta is an online resource that provides free training, tips and other resources for caregivers of loved ones with dementia. The platform is available in 32 states and has been used by more than 12,000 caregivers since it was rolled out in May 2022. Studies have found caregivers who use the app feel more confident in providing care and overall less burnt out.

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  • B.C. group offers model for national climate corps

    An independent group in British Columbia is engaging young people with climate change adaptation and mitigation through its Youth Climate Corps programming. The programs work on projects specific to community needs, like green infrastructure installation, and prepare the participants for related careers.

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  • The New Jersey Mayor With a Plan to End Traffic Deaths

    The Vision Zero campaign aims to eliminate traffic deaths around the world. So far, Hoboken has made several changes to its streets and transportation policies to increase safety, such as repaving crosswalks to increase visibility, building curb extensions and adding bike lanes to roads. With these new safety measures in place, the city hasn’t reported a single traffic death since January 2017 and traffic-related injuries have dropped 41%.

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  • A Model for Getting Domestic Violence Survivors Wraparound Support

    One Safe Place — also known collectively as a Family Justice Center — is a holistic care center for violence survivors that aims to be a one-stop shop for support services like legal aid, medical care, social workers, mental health support, groceries, child care and job training. One Safe Place opened in July 2022. The 44,000-square-foot facility is one of the largest Family Justice Centers in the world and has served more than 3,000 people, the majority of whom are domestic violence survivors and their children.

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