Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Revival of Germany's Carbon-Sequestering Peatlands

    Various initiatives are restoring farmlands to peatlands, which is helping lower CO2 levels in agriculture and create markets for the native grasses, reeds and sedges that peatlands support.

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  • Indian Women Dry Fish With the Power of the Sun, in the Palms of Their Hands

    Solar-powered dryers are enabling women in India to produce and sell dried fish at markets in a manner that is healthier for them and the environment. It's also proving economically profitable.

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  • How 'Superblocks' Can Create People-Centered Cities

    Superblocks are areas in congested cities where traffic has been rerouted to prioritize people. Outfitted with green spaces and communal areas to connect, superblocks help reduce air and noise pollution. Residents living in the area report a higher quality of life and increased social interaction with their neighbors. The idea of superblocks has traveled around the world to cities like Vienna, Berlin, Buenos Aires, and Los Angeles.

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  • Are high efficiency stoves the solution to Keene's wood smoke pollution?

    In New England, government incentives and education are supporting and encouraging residents to swap their wood-burning stoves for high-efficiency models that burn less wood and emit less smoke. The aim is to reduce air pollution and its public health and climate impacts.

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  • How Keene's community air monitoring project could be a national climate solution

    A professor at Keene State College, her students, and community volunteers installed affordable, commercial air monitors throughout the New Hampshire town to fill gaps in available data. The monitors help them track air quality in real time and alert the public when pollution levels rise.

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  • Can incinerators solve Vietnam's waste crisis?

    Vietnam is building waste-to-energy plants, which burn household waste and generate energy during the process, to remedy its over-full landfills and eventually provide some relief from related air and groundwater pollution.

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  • From Scooters to Microtransit, Cities Are Embracing Alternatives to Short Car Trips

    Getting to public transportation can be difficult for commuters. Microtransit is easing that burden and reducing emissions by replacing individual car trips. Partnerships between cities and companies ensure shared, on-demand scooters, bikes, or vehicles are available to help people reach public transportation.

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  • London saw a surprising benefit to fining high-polluting cars: More active kids

    After a clean air zone was created in London, where vehicles have to pay a daily fee to enter unless they meet strict pollution standards, more young students in the area began walking and biking to school.

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  • All Aboard the Electric School Bus!

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean School Bus Program is funding zero-emission, electric school buses and low-emission buses for schools looking to make the switch from diesel.

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  • Kansas City saved energy by switching to LED streetlights. But it has bigger climate issues

    Kansas City has converted nearly 100,000 of its streetlights to LED bulbs over the last several years. The swap saves on energy, meaning less power is needed from the local coal-fired power plant.

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