Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Tidal power: What's holding it back?

    Researchers in South Korea and Ireland are harnessing the power from the up, down, and side-to-side motions of ocean tides as a source of renewable energy.

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  • This Louisiana town moved to escape climate-linked disaster

    In the face of increasing land loss and flooding due to coastal erosion and climate change, the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe made the decision to relocate their community to higher ground. After winning a grant from the National Disaster Resilience Competition, the tribe worked closely with the Louisiana state government to figure out where and how the new community would be built.

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  • To Ease Housing Crunch, Theme Parks Are Becoming Homebuilders

    The rising cost of housing in cities like Orlando is making it difficult for people who work in the service and entertainment industries to find housing near their place of work. In response, entertainment giants like Universal Studios Florida and the Walt Disney Company are donating land near their theme parks and working with developers to build affordable housing.

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  • Employer buy-in, ridership remain low 5 months before end of RTA microtransit pilot program

    The transit authority in Cleveland, Ohio, is offering a microtransit shuttle service for employees who work in locations with limited or no public transit. Rides are free and set up on an as-needed basis via an app.

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  • Combinar la justicia restaurativa con la justicia penal, lecciones desde Navarra

    Desde los primeros años del 2000, la Asociación Navarra de Mediación (ANAME) ha trabajado para garantiza como servicio público la justicia restaurativa, un proceso para la resolución de conflictos enfocado en la reparación del daño a la víctima y la sanación emocional de las partes implicadas y del tejido social. De los casos en los que las partes decidieron iniciar el proceso, el 72% terminaron en acuerdo, un resultado que coincide con la experiencia en otros países.

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  • Free Bus Passes Are Giving Indian Women More Financial Freedom

    States across India are providing free bus passes for women so they can afford to join the workforce and have more financial independence.

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  • Shining a Light on Snake Bites

    The addition of solar power mini-grids provides electricity to 50 houses in the village, making it possible for residents to monitor their homes for snakes — something that’s impossible to do without light — and prevent fatal snake bites. The 50 mini-grids were provided for free and since their installation in February 2023, the village hasn’t reported a single snake bite case.

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  • Virginia districts roll on with electric school buses despite lack of state funding

    Schools in Virginia are switching from diesel to electric buses to reduce their emissions and impact on local air quality. With no access to state funding, the schools are buying buses outright, renting them, and partnering with nonprofit organizations that assist them in finding funding.

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  • As the U.S. Struggles With a Stillbirth Crisis, Australia Offers a Model for How to Do Better

    With its focus on research and the launch of the Safer Baby Bundle, Australia is ahead of the curve in preventing stillbirths. The Safer Baby Bundle includes evidence-based practices to prevent stillbirths including helping pregnant patients quit smoking, regularly monitoring fetal growth and movement and encouraging safe pregnancy practices like sleeping on one’s side. Since the launch of these strategies, the country sees about six stillbirths a day, whereas the U.S. experiences about 60 stillbirths each day.

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  • Vermont's Prison Education Programs Give Incarcerated People a Second Chance to Learn

    People incarcerated in Vermont correctional facilities have the option to participate in education programs ranging from foundational skills classes and high school completion credits to technical courses and community college offerings, and the agency puts particular emphasis on literacy development. More than 600 people are currently enrolled and about 25 earn their diplomas each year.

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