Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Upzoning in Cambridge Broke the YIMBY Mold

    Cambridge’s new zoning reform lessens housing restrictions by allowing property owners and developers to build six-story apartments — through a process called upzoning — to accommodate more residents on a single lot in areas that were previously restricted to single-family homes. The city previously aimed to build 350 new units by 2040, but with the new zoning reform, that estimate has grown to 4,880.

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  • A Little-Known Federal Program Is Keeping Senior Housing Affordable in Denver

    The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development offers funding for affordable housing properties to retrofit their buildings to be more resilient to climate change and improve resident’s quality of life. The funding ensures the properties remain as affordable housing because these upgrades typically reduce bills and because property owners must agree to keep rent affordable for 25 years.

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  • To save affordable housing, states promote resident-owned mobile home parks

    Residents of mobile home communities are coming together to collectively buy the land their houses are on and establish cooperatives. It ensures their rent stays affordable long term, and some state governments are making it easier to do so to help address housing affordability crises.

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  • Passive House standards a solution for efficient affordable housing

    Housing developers are following the Passive House standards to create affordable housing that’s incredibly energy efficient. These buildings are air-tight with efficient ventilation and strategically positioned windows, so they don’t need central heating and cooling systems.

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  • Is Housing First a cure for homelessness?

    The Housing First model focuses on helping people experiencing homelessness to find stable housing and meet their basic needs before addressing anything else. It's taking off in cities across the United States.

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  • Solving Homelessness In Austin: Rapid Rehousing

    The Rapid Rehousing Program in Austin, Texas, provides people exiting homelessness with rent support for up to two years, tapering the amount down over time. A community group called Vocal-TX is bringing people in the program together to elevate their voices and propose improvements.

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  • Decline in Veterans' Homelessness Spurs Hopes for a Broader Solution

    Housing vouchers from HUD-VASH are helping decrease rates of homelessness among veterans by providing support that pays for a portion of their rent, while the federal government covers the rest up to a local ceiling. Congress expands the program every year and has so far created about 110,000 vouchers available nationwide.

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  • Nonprofit Fund Raises Private Dollars To Buy Affordable Housing – Before Private Equity Does

    The housing and homelessness nonprofit Community Solutions raised $135 million in private capital to create a fund to buy housing properties and keep them permanently affordable. It promises investors modest returns and looks to buy properties in good condition close to necessary services like grocery stores and health care.

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  • Four Decades to Build 70,000 Affordable Homes? Count That as a Success.

    In 1975, community members organized to urge the New Jersey state government to require cities to build their fair share of affordable multifamily housing. Dubbed “The Mount Laurel Doctrine,” the legislation, backed by local advocacy groups, has helped build 20,000 affordable housing units.

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  • When Is a Tiny House Too Small to Be a Home?

    Tiny home complexes are emerging as solutions to combat homelessness throughout the country, offering a cheap and efficient way to provide shelter amidst the national housing crisis. In some cases, living in a tiny home community serves as a stepping stone to help locals achieve permanent housing.

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