Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Cut Methane Emissions and Diversify Maine's Coastal Economy, but Can It Scale?

    Seaweed is emerging as a solution to Maine's shifting climate and economy, providing alternative industries for ocean farmers and also supporting land farmers' climate initiatives. While still in piloting stages, studies have shown up to 50 percent reductions in methane on New England cow farms that incorporate seaweed into feed.

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  • Ideas We Should Steal: Divest Fossil Fuels From City Pensions

    Following the success of New York City's divestment of pension funds from fossil fuels, a process that started in 2015, other cities around the US are exploring ways to achieve net-zero portfolio emissions. In most cases, the divested pension funds have performed at least as well financially as a city’s non-divested funds.

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  • A Little-Known Federal Program Is Keeping Senior Housing Affordable in Denver

    The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development offers funding for affordable housing properties to retrofit their buildings to be more resilient to climate change and improve resident’s quality of life. The funding ensures the properties remain as affordable housing because these upgrades typically reduce bills and because property owners must agree to keep rent affordable for 25 years.

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  • Resilience in the Sundarbans: How Shrimp Farming is Helping Communities Adapt to Climate Change

    Communities in the Sundarbans have adopted shrimp farming as a sustainable livelihood strategy; the approach has proven successful, with environmental benefits and many farmers earning a good income.

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  • Is Denver's Big Bet on E-Bikes Paying Off?

    Since 2022, Denver has given out almost 15,000 electric bike rebates via an online portal to make them a more accessible transportation option. The applications are so popular they’re gone in seconds, and they can only be redeemed in person at participating local bike shops.

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  • EVs for All: How Car Shares Are Making Electric Vehicles Accessible

    Community-first car-sharing options, usually run by cooperatives and nonprofits, are making electric vehicles accessible and affordable for all. They offer cars that anyone can rent for a membership or hourly fee, sometimes partnering with community groups and organizations to lower the rate.

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  • Minnesota cities tap utility fees to help fund local clean energy and climate action

    Cities in Minnesota are using utility franchise fees to fund sustainability projects. The fees, which are usually passed on to customers via a small monthly charge, are collected from utility companies in return for allowing their infrastructure in public rights-of-way.

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  • Shareholder Activists Push Fast Food Chains to Commit to Climate Targets

    The shareholder activism nonprofit The Accountability Board is holding fast food companies accountable to making progress toward their climate commitments by filing proposals asking for action, which all shareholders who own a certain percentage of companies are able to do.

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  • This Native-Led Group Is Bringing Solar Power to Tribal Lands

    Native Renewables, a Native- and women-led nonprofit, is bringing free, off-grid solar energy systems to homes in the Navajo and Hopi reservations that don’t have access to power. And it’s doing so by training local Indigenous peoples to work in the industry so they can reap the economic benefits of these careers instead of hiring out the work.

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  • From Scooters to Microtransit, Cities Are Embracing Alternatives to Short Car Trips

    Getting to public transportation can be difficult for commuters. Microtransit is easing that burden and reducing emissions by replacing individual car trips. Partnerships between cities and companies ensure shared, on-demand scooters, bikes, or vehicles are available to help people reach public transportation.

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