Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Kansas sought homelessness success stories. It stumbled on a cautionary tale, too.

    Community Solutions provides support and data analysis for municipalities trying to reach “functional zero,” when it becomes rare for a specific population, such as veterans or people who are chronically unhoused, to fall into homelessness. The milestone has been achieved by several communities, including Rockford, Illinois, and Abilene, Texas, but some, such as Bergen County, New Jersey, have struggled to maintain the standard long-term.

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  • These Cities Are Welcoming Immigrants With Municipal ID Programs

    Municipal ID programs such as IDNYC provide identification for residents who aren't able to access official government IDs, such as those who are undocumented or unhoused. The municipally-issued IDs make it easier for these residents to access local services and benefits and interact with officials, including law enforcement.

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  • The algorithm says crisis. The social worker says trust

    Los Angeles County social workers are using AI to find people at risk of homelessness before they become unhoused. Instead of traditional programs that wait for people to seek help themselves, this technology is more preventative, allowing social workers to provide assistance ahead of time. The program launched in 2020 and has since served over 400 people.

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  • Pop-Up Voting Centers Bring the Polls Directly to Unhoused Angelenos

    Los Angeles County’s Flex Vote Center Program establishes polling locations at shelters, transitional housing sites, and service centers for people who are unhoused or face other barriers to voting. In 2020, nearly 2,800 people cast their ballots through the Flex program.

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  • How One Library Is Filling the Gaps in Homeless Services

    The Salt Lake City Public Library employed in-house social workers and built out an area in the library dedicated to providing a variety of resources for people experiencing homelessness and anyone else looking for support. The staff helps people find individualized paths forward, and partner organizations host office hours for things like harm reduction services and workforce services.

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  • New work program in Atlantic City for homeless people

    The Hope Work Initiative by Atlantic City's Homeless Outreach Unit connects unhoused community members with temporary employment cleaning up the city streets for three days a week, making $75 a day.

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  • Under an L.A. Freeway, a Psychiatric Rescue Mission

    Los Angeles County’s Homeless Outreach & Mobile Engagement (HOME) program uses street psychiatry to get psychiatric medication to people experiencing homelessness in an effort to get them a step closer to housing. The HOME team has 223 full-time staff members and served 1,919 people last year, 22% of whom ended the year housed.

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  • Europe wants to erase homelessness. Housing First can be the key

    European cities like Oulu and Turin are adopting the housing-first model to reduce homelessness and extreme poverty. They focus on providing people experiencing homelessness with a permanent place to live first and then address other needs they may have.

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  • Austin's Rapid Rehousing Program, Explained

    Austin’s Rapid Rehousing Program offers up to two years of rent assistance for people exiting homelessness alongside other support services that help connect them to the resources they need.

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  • Is Housing First a cure for homelessness?

    The Housing First model focuses on helping people experiencing homelessness to find stable housing and meet their basic needs before addressing anything else. It's taking off in cities across the United States.

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