Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A La Reliure du Limousin, les aides gouvernementales sont indispensables au succès de l'apprentissage

    Chez La Reliure du Limousin, entreprise de reliure et de restauration de documents anciens, les financements publics soutiennent un programme d’apprentissage qui allie formation technique et cours théoriques. L’entreprise accueille 10 apprentis par an et a jusqu’à présent embauché une douzaine pour des postes permanents.

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  • Apprenticeships Bring a Fresh Generation to Small Dairy Farms

    Since 2015, the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship, with support by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), has worked to help dairy farmers transfer skills and opportunities to a new generation. Thus far, slmost 70 apprentices have graduated from the program as independent journeyworkers, and 59 farmer-apprentice pairs are currently active across the country.

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  • Inside Africa's Trailblazing Solar Repair Movement

    Nonprofit SolarAid trains repair technicians who can fix solar energy kits. In the 2023-24 financial year, SolarAid’s teams across Zambia and Malawi repaired 2,422 solar products, reducing electronic waste, increasing the lifespan of products, and improving access to solar lights, as well as creating job opportunities

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  • New work program in Atlantic City for homeless people

    The Hope Work Initiative by Atlantic City's Homeless Outreach Unit connects unhoused community members with temporary employment cleaning up the city streets for three days a week, making $75 a day.

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  • This Native-Led Group Is Bringing Solar Power to Tribal Lands

    Native Renewables, a Native- and women-led nonprofit, is bringing free, off-grid solar energy systems to homes in the Navajo and Hopi reservations that don’t have access to power. And it’s doing so by training local Indigenous peoples to work in the industry so they can reap the economic benefits of these careers instead of hiring out the work.

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  • Ecotourism offers new hopes for Bhutanese youth — and local environments

    Local communities in Bhutan are developing ecotourism sites to create jobs, generate income, and protect endangered species and ecosystems. They’ve created ecolodges and campsites, host traditional dining experiences with food from local farmers, and host nature-based activities, all while leading conservation efforts on the land they use.

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  • These American Climate Corps Workers Are Paving a Green Future

    Over 300 SolarCorps fellows in the inaugural class of the United States Climate Corps, a workforce-training program, are engaging with communities and installing solar panels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Fellows work with different organizations across several states, such as the nonprofit GRID Alternatives, which is focused on bringing no-cost solar installations to underserved communities.

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  • On a rural Hawaiian island, solar provides a path to energy sovereignty

    Facing sky-high utility costs and accessibility challenges, the community of Molokaʻi, Hawaii, took their energy security into their own hands and developed an energy-resilience-focused action plan. Backed by the primary state utility, the community is installing solar arrays and batteries, some of which are collectively owned and subscription-based. At the same time, the solar cooperative is cultivating a local workforce specialized in solar infrastructure.

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  • All hands on deck — The social enterprise deploying young people to protect our seas

    A social enterprise that started in the Netherlands and is spreading to countries around the Celtic Sea is training young people to work in marine industries while restoring ocean biodiversity. The young trainees work on projects like marine mammal observation and planting seagrass.

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  • The best plan to help refugees might also be the simplest

    The nonprofit GiveDirectly provides refugees with cash to help them sustain themselves, focusing on those living in cities, as they’re less likely to receive the same assistance as humanitarian camps do. Nearly 1,200 people were given $925 to spend however they wanted — some opening bank accounts, others starting businesses — and reported they were able to nearly double their monthly income and after six months, 88% of recipients were earning more money than ever before.

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