Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philly-area firm leads the hospital-bill fight vs. the $500 Tylenol

    With more and more Americans having to pay medical costs out of pocket, a small company out of Philadelphia called ELAP is on the front lines of the war against escalating charges. By helping overwhelmed patients to de-mystify and negotiate medical bills, they are ensuring patients get the best value and avoid egregious financial distress.

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  • What Happens When You Just Give Money To Poor People?

    GiveDirectly, a non-profit organization, was simply giving impoverished people money intending for them to buy their own needs. Research shows that, contrary to popular belief, people are spending this money on what it was intended for instead of alcohol or other negative items.

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  • Escaping the Cycle of Scarcity

    Poor people are less likely to make smart financial decisions; however, new research in the U.S. says this is not about intelligence but rather about a brain being overwhelmed with issues related to poverty. To combat that barrier of stress, organizations around the world are making financial decisions easier for people experiencing poverty by making borrowing easier and automating future financial planning, like 401(k) contributions.

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  • The Next Wireless Revolution, in Electricity

    Phone lines in Africa and South Asia would never have gotten to the poor - but these places have leapfrogged over last-century technology and gone straight to mobile phones. Now the same thing is happening with off-grid solar power: the fastest -- perhaps the only – way to power the poor.

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  • When entrepreneurship is only way forward

    Development work is evolving beyond short-term mission trips and one-off donations into a more comprehensive, in-depth model that addresses long-term sustainability of a solution paired with empowerment of those being served. MicroConsignment is a unique branch of micro-enterprise being implemented by non-profit SolCom in Guatemala that provides individuals in rural villages the skills and resources needed to start sustainable businesses.

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  • Does Impact Investing Work? Vital Capital Case Study Shows It Does

    Everyone wants to eradicate poverty - but how can it actually be done? Vital Capital, an impact investment firm, aims to make change and lift people out of poverty in Angola.

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  • Detroit Businesses See Opportunity In Bankruptcy

    In Detroit, many business owners and the city itself hope that filing for bankruptcy will help the city start fresh and ultimately become a thriving urban center, mirroring other cities that recovered from near financial ruin.

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  • New Mortgage Program Helps Cambodia's Poor Find Better Homes

    An innovative program by an unusual bank allows low-income people in Cambodia to take out a 15-year fixed mortgage with little or no documentation - contradicting traditional loan assumptions and creating means for some of the country's poorest people to completely change their lives. The bank and its investors are now making a profit, and more than 700 mortgages and building loans have been provided.

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  • A Simple Way to Send Poor Kids to Top Colleges

    Many poor students do not attend selective colleges not because they don't want to, but because they did not understand that they could. Basic information can substantially increase the number of low-income students who apply to, attend and graduate from top colleges.

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  • Conservation Pays Off for Bangladeshi Factories

    Saving money while conserving water and electricity is a win-win for the textile industry in Bangladesh. After a joint effort to improve the mechanics and upgrade the factories, the industry saw a savings of 1.2 million cubic meters of water, 16 million cubic meters of gas and 10 million kilowatt hours of electricity.

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