Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Using Gambling to Entice Low-Income Families to Save

    A growing number of credit unions and nonprofit groups are using lotteries to encourage low-income families to save.

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  • Can You Fight Poverty by Paying Kids to Go to School?

    In an effort to break the cycle of poverty in Memphis, a government organization is using conditional cash transfers, paying students if they earn good grades and adults if they maintain a full-time job.

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  • From untouchable to organic: Dalit women sow change in India

    Small-scale women farmers are working together to create a new Green Revolution in southern India, opening a set of pilot farms to empower women and sustainably farm.

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  • Did this city bring down its murder rate by paying people not to kill?

    Since Richmond, California’s Office of Neighborhood Safety began paying stipends to its “fellows” – the dozens of young men it works with at any given time who are deemed to be at high risk of gun-violence involvement – nearly all of its subjects have survived. Other evidence of its success is anecdotal or merely suggestive of an effect on the city’s violence. While the police chief warily credits it for being a positive force, others in the community are skeptical, if not outright antagonistic.

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  • Brazil's poverty solution? Give money to women

    In Brazil a conditional cash-transfer program is alleviating poverty, empowering women, and changing gender roles by giving families, especially mothers, money for sending kids to school and to regular doctor's visits.

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  • For Striving Students, a Connection to Money

    Government benefits to aid the poor are frequently left unclaimed, leaving children hungry, young people unable to finish school, and opportunities for stable housing and preventative health care unused. New York City-based program Single Stop connects people to benefits for which they may be eligible. Importantly, Single Stop has served community colleges where disadvantaged students can use the assistance to help get through school.

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  • A Nonprofit Lender Revives the Hopes of Subprime Borrowers

    Many subprime borrowers in the United States are financially unable to buy a home themselves. An unconventional lender is trying to make it easier for low-income people to buy houses despite the tighter requirements that other lenders adopted after the mortgage bust.

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  • Preparing for Disaster by Betting Against It

    In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, necessity has bred an interesting kind of financial invention for the New York MTA: the world’s first “catastrophe” bond - a reinsurance for the insurer - designed to protect public transportation infrastructure, specifically against storm surge. These bonds privatize risk for public gain, creating a kind of tool that may protect economic development against all kinds of natural and man-made disasters around the world.

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  • Playing the Odds on Saving

    Lotteries aren’t usually considered part of the solution to a savings crisis experienced across America, particularly by the nation's poor, but with more hopefuls purchasing lottery tickets than setting aside rainy day funds, one organization, Doorways to Dreams, is working to change federal and state laws to allow banks to offer prize-linked savings. In Michigan, the programs have seen some success.

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  • In the Long War on Poverty, Small Victories That Matter

    A panoply of responses to poverty has emerged to address poverty in the United States and abroad. The responses share in three key tactics: Measuring impact, paying for success, and collaboration.

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